>> Sequential Art and You.

Sequential Art and You.

Howdy pardners!

I’m Drumm.  I like comics.  

This here blog will be a place for you graphic narrative folks to get together, have a few laughs, air your gripes and maybe learn a thing or two.  

We are gonna have features, interviews, reviews and maybe a giveaway or two.  If we think a story sucks, we’re gonna tell you about it.  We think it rocks, we will make sure you do too.  If a creator stops by, you’ll hear it straight from the source.  Basically, if there is something rumbling around the comic scene, we are going have two cents about it.  From the big boys at Marvel and DC to indie publishers and imprints, we got it covered.  

Its going to be a strange and bumpy ride, so sit back and enjoy.

Its time to talk shop.



I used to read comics a lot when I was a kid but now I'm too fucking lazy to open a cover.  I need to get back into it since there are a lot more now and it seems they are being taken more seriously.  I look forward to your reccomendations Drumm.  Sho Nuff!

good stuff

This is great, I love comics. I've been reading them since I was a kid and have a ton of them. You can't walk into my room without seeing comics stacked up everywhere. I look forward to reading some of the stories and maybe getting some info from the comic guys themselves.

can't wait

Drumm, I can't wait to see what you've got to share. I'm a huge comic/graphic novel fan and I've even considered writing one. I have no drawing talent however, so I'd have to find an artist who'd be willing to give my story a shot. So that hasn't moved forward. Hah.

But anyway, thanks for writing these...looking forward to more!

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