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By Lee Roberts

Peter Parker Has a Sister Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man and MJ Cut

This one still has just under a year before it will come out but it's a bit of news that has me excited for it's release. Which is kind of sad because before all this Superior Spider-Man junk I would have laughed at this idea but now I'm going to be jumping at any story that involves Peter Parker actually being Peter Parker. That chance will take place in May of 2014, see, I told you that's still just about a year away.

What am I talking about exactly? I'm talking about the upcoming, all-new, all-original, graphic novel titled “Family Business”. From the little bit that I've been able to find out about it the core story will be about Peter Parker getting a sister. SISTER! I just wanted to reiterate that statement, Peter Parker will be getting a sister. I don't know if she will be older, younger, or possibly a twin, nor do I know where she's been, how she has stayed hidden, why Peter never knew about her, and most importantly what Peter was never told by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben that he has a sister. Those are going to be some big questions that will need answers to but from what I have read the story will involve secret spy stuff and Peter's Parents. And if you are like me when it comes to not caring for the Superior Spider-Ock then don't worry because this story will take place before that junk. Also, this story will have two writers Mark Waid and James Robinson and it's going to be painted by Gabriele Dell'otto.

Iron Man 3 has been released, Man of Steel as well, Wolverine will be coming out shortly and before we know it Thor 2 will be here and gone. So what's after that? Well, Captain America The Winter Soldier of course. The release date won't be until April 4, 2014 (which is getting released only a few weeks before The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on May 2, 2014). While doing my normal thing in just sitting around looking at comic books and related items I saw some new photos from the set of Winter Soldier. And here they are, though this is not Chris Evans on the bike, that would be a stunt double, but what's important about this photo is what he's wearing. His jacket/suit/costume looks like the style from when Captain America came back to life after being killed and Bucky was the Captain America at the time so instead of taking the role back over Steve Rogers stayed as Steve Rogers but worked in his identity while wearing a blue suit with the white star and lines on the chest. I actually like this look because it's simple yet still shows that it's Captain America(ish).

Speaking of Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. has made an announcement regarding his role as the armored avenger. While I'm still not sure what he or Marvel is going to do with any future installments of a stand alone Iron Man movie, it was announced that RDJ will stay in the role of Iron Man for the Avengers 2 and Avengers 3. Good news when it comes to those movies, at least it is for me because whatever you say about Iron Man 3, RDJ does a perfect job playing Tony Stark/Iron Man so having him stay in the role for Avengers will or should only help.

Get this, more Marvel movie news, this time it's about my favorite character, Spider-Man. Director Marc Webb has made the decision to cut Shailene Woodley's role of Mary Jane Watson from Amazing Spider-Man 2. His reasoning is that he wants to streamline the movie and make it about Peter and Gwen. Which I'm fine with but I'm still upset about it as well. If Marc Webb had just left Mary Jane out of it in the first place then I wouldn't have expected anything but after seeing the news of her, seeing the actress Shailene Woodley as Mary Jane, and the photos had me looking forward to watching the character. Now after expecting and wanting to see Mary Jane in the movie I won't get to. But this is not the only Amazing Spider-Man movie news, it was told that the next 2, yes the next 2, making it a total of 4 movies, will be released in 2016 and 2018. I'm glad they are planning on making more movies of Spidey but lets be real here, the fourth film has the same possibility of being cut like MJ was and with it being another 5 years away, a lot can happen between now and then.

Batman/Superman #1
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price $3.99
Relase Date: June 26, 2013
Written by: Greg Pak
Drawn by Jae Lee
Plot: Really do you need to know more beyond, Batman/Superman and Greg Pak/Jae Lee?



The X-Files Season 10 #1
Publisher: IDW
Cover Price: $3.99 (depending on the variant cover)
Written by: Joe Harris
Drawn by: Michael Walsh
Plot: Mulder and Scully have been in hiding but now a group has sought them out. This is the first of a new on-going series for a great show and characters.