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By Lee Roberts

Marvel and DC Have New Titles for 2015

Do you feel that there aren't enough books out that are female lead? There's actually more than there used to be, especially ones with real strong female leads that's not being used primarily as a visual eye candy for some readers. Well, there might be a short wait until the new Secret Wars gets going but Marvel will have a new book called A-Force that features a all female team of Avengers. Here's the list of the members that will make up this new Avengers team.
Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, Storm, Rogue, Wasp, She-Hulk, Dazzler, Jean Grey, Pixie, Snowbird, Jubilee, Captain Marvel, Moondragon, Medusa, Aurora, Singularity and that's just the list that I found but by the cover there are a bunch more like Spider-Gwen, Electra, Hellcat, Pepper Potts (she's in the Rescue armor), and others. I would say that's a pretty strong team and full of some great characters.

So you know Marvels new book, well here's one coming out from DC Comics that could be promising. The title, We Are Robin by the team of Lee Bermejo, Rob Haynes and Khary Randolph that will be, you can guess it, about the Robin characters. It's all the different people that have been the Robin character and will be replacing the Batman and Robin title, which I'm not sure I like that they are ending that one but oh well that's just how it goes. I'm also not sure how this book will be formatted for stories. Will it be just solo adventures that don't really have much to do with the Batman books and storylines? Maybe it will be that but instead of solo adventures it's a team of Robin adventures book? But then again they could go a different route, combine the two with it all be set during the present or maybe set in all times where we get stories that is about Jason Todd being Robin and then going to being about Damian Wayne? I don't know but will give it a try when it comes out.

DC has other plans in the works too, with the so called "Mini-relaunch" happening in June where there will be 24 new titles, there are 2 that caught my attention. Bat-Mite and Bizzarro. Both are supposed to be funny titles that won't really be the norm, which I like. Both characters are good characters that have cult followings, Bat-Mite for his odd and fun antics he gets in, and Bizzarro just because he is the worst Superman hero ever.