>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 28

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 28

The Twilight Saga and Twistars really cleaned up at the 2010 Teen Choice Awards winning a combined 15 awards!
Choice Actor, Drama: Robert Pattinson, Remember Me
Choice Fantasy Movie: The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Choice Actress,  Fantasy: Kristen Stewart, New Moon
Choice Actor, Fantasy: Taylor Lautner, New Moon
Choice Villain: Rachelle Lefevre, New Moon
Choice Liplock: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga
Choice Chemistry: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, New Moon
Choice Male Scene Stealer: Kellan Lutz, New Moon
Choice Female Scene Stealer: Ashley Greene, New Moon
Choice Movie: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Choice Movie Star, Male: Robert Pattinson, Eclipse
Choice Movie Star, Female: Kristen Stewart, Eclipse
Choice Male Hottie: Taylor Lautner
Choice Red Carpet Icon, Male: Taylor Lautner
Most Fanatic Fans: Twilight Cast
Check out these pictures and videos of the event.

Glamour Magazine interviewed Alex Meraz, Booboo Stewart, & Peter Facinelli about All Things Eclipse!
Take a peek at these rapid fire, one minute interviews of the Twio
Bits of Breaking Dawn
You may have wondered why would Summit chose Louisiana to shoot Breaking Dawn instead of staying the Portland, Vancouver area? USA Today says “versatility” is the key,
"You can get an 1800s look, you can get a Parisian look," says Todd Lewis, producer of The Chaperone. "You can get suburbs, you can get the country. It's got a little bit of everything." His movie, out next year, is one of several Louisiana-based films funded by World Wrestling Entertainment and featuring wrestling stars, in this case Paul "Triple H" Levesque.
Director Rod Lurie was looking to duplicate rural Mississippi in Straw Dogs, a remake of the 1971 classic coming out next year. He did so in and around Shreveport. "They really do have it all there," he says. "You can go anywhere from swamps to beautiful rivers to cities to football stadiums. We were able to shoot the entire film within a 10-mile radius."
Jonah Hex, the supernatural action thriller in theaters earlier this summer, used New Orleans to double for the Old West.
Though producer Andrew Lazar initially had reservations about shooting a Western in Louisiana, his concerns disappeared when he considered the obvious. "The French Quarter hasn't changed much over the years, so you don't need a lot of set dressing," Lazar says. "We just put some dirt on the road and we were back in the 1870s."
Says Lussier: "New Orleans has so many looks. You can get a European look, and it also has an unmistakable feeling of the American frontier. It's such an amazing city unto itself. Why not take advantage of it?"
Filmmakers say it's hard to go wrong with scenery like this.
"Wherever you point the camera, you have a beautiful and picturesque set design," says Daniel Stamm, director of The Last Exorcism. "And the atmosphere does something for the actors. It's so old world. We shot at a plantation, and the smell and the sounds of the floorboards did something to the atmosphere that's tangible, that you wouldn't get in L.A. on a soundstage."
But when will Breaking Dawn start filming? No one’s sure yet, but Kellan’s dropping hints.
Kellan Lutz has been having a terrific (and busy!) year, but is looking forward to starting fight training for Breaking Dawn, the fourth installment in the Twilight saga.
“I believe we might start rehearsals in September – fight training – and then I think start production in November until March in Vancouver and Baton Rouge,” Lutz, 25, told OK! Aug. 10, 2010. “I love doing stunts, I love doing action movies.”
Lutz really enjoys the company of his Twilight co-stars, who are genuinely fun, down-to-earth people.
“We just have a really great group of actors who are real people who can just have fun,” says Lutz. “We have so many inside jokes now, and we don’t get sick of each other because these movies are only three to four months of shooting and then we’re off doing our own thing. And then we get excited to come back and it’s like a great family reunion.”
Kellan gushes: “I can’t wait. I really can’t wait. I don’t think many actors who are part of trilogies or sagas can say that and really can’t wait to get back to the cast again. Share stories and make more memories.”
Lutz isn’t the only one excited for the TwiFam reunion. Jackson can’t wait to be reunited! {Eonline}
"I can't wait, it's always a reunion" Jackson told us about gearing up for back-to-back filming of the next two movies, even though he said he had "no clue" when production starts except sometime this fall.
"I'm really looking forward to seeing Bella's transformation, that's one of the things that has been building up for a while," Rathbone dished, all cute all scruffy.
"I'm excited to see how Kristen Stewart really works with that. That's going to be fun, she's an incredible actress and, I know this is a pun, but she's chomping at the bit in order to play that transition."
And we know fans are chomping at the bit for that feathers-flying Robsten sex scene.
"I think it's going to have to be PG-13, I don't know how they're going to keep it PG. [Screenwriter] Melissa Rosenberg herself has told us there is going to be sex in this movie. I can't wait. It's in the books and I mean they're married, they gotta consummate that relationship," J.R. laughed.
Still, everyone is wondering about the infamous birth scene and 3D. Charlie Bewley has some rather interesting ideas. {Eonline}
How are they going to show the birth?
I think they should just go all the way and do it in 3D! The baby kind of like pops out and floats above the audience's head. Everyone who goes to see the movie with a bunch of kids going, "What?!"
I just don't think they're going to go for that.
There will be blood going like this [tilts head back, opens mouth and slides fingers over his face].
Maybe that could be at like a midnight showing. But seriously, how are they going to show it?
I have no idea. [But] they have to keep it in there. It's part of the book.
TwiFun Time!
A few more EW Outtakes!

Remember last week’s video of Robert Pattinson’s living room concert? Here’s the extended footage! I just love his voice. His sound is very unexpected.
The U.K. is getting a real Twitreat this Christmas! White covers with pages lined in crimson ink. These look very cool, I’m jealous! The Book Seller gives us the details
The four limited-edition titles: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, will be published by Atom on 14th October as £7.99 paperbacks, available only in the UK and Ireland, and Little, Brown's territories including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India. The white editions will not be available in the US.

The white titles will only be published between October and Christmas 2010, replacing the usual black jackets. The titles will have crimson-edged pages and crimson back covers, with text confined to the spines.

When I was a kid I would often read Archie comics to escape the drudgery known as “home work”. I might’ve grown up leaving Riverdale behind, but Archie’s keeping current with a couple issues devoted to a Twilight parody, “Twilite”.
It’s love at first bite when two new mysterious students arrive in Riverdale. Betty and Veronica are fascinated by the smoldering-hot Ivan, but Jared is warning everyone who will listen that Ivan is really a bloodsucker! Reggie jumps at the chance to help Jared expose Ivan as a vampire, but love… or maybe Ivan… is clouding Betty and Veronica’s vision! Can Archie and the others save the girls from the mysterious Ivan? Is there a greater danger lurking in the darkness?
America’s favorite comic book teens, Archie, Betty, Veronica and the rest of the gang enter the world of fantasy, where supernatural beings must choose between good, evil, and most of all, love! “Twilite: Part One,” the first of a two-issue crusade for truth, love and freedom, begins with ARCHIE & FRIENDS #146 and ends with a larger-than-life conclusion in the following issue, ARCHIE & FRIENDS #147! {splash page}

“Twilite” will be released on August 11, 2010, but you can read the 11 page preview here



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