>> LOST Season 6 Episode 13 - The Last Recruit

LOST Season 6 Episode 13 - The Last Recruit

LOST Season 6 Episode 13 - the Last Recruit

The episode starts off with MIB and Jack talking, we find out that he did take over Christians body but it was only to lead them to
water.  Off the Island, Locke is being taken to the hospital along with Sun; Jack is called to do the surgery. Back on the Island,
Sawyer tells of his plans to ditch the others and take Kate, Hurley, Jack and "that pilot that looks like he just stepped out of a Burt Reynolds movie" but Jack decides that he doesnt want to do and jumps ship and swims back to shore. 

Random Sawyer screenie just for Burn :)


Honestly the Sawyer-Kate drama off the Island is boring.  However, they end up arresting Sayid, which brings all the Losties together. 
I like Zoe,


she gives me a Juliet vibe.  Widmore's clan threatens MIB and crew with bombs, wants them to return Desmond by nightfall.Off the Island, Claire is headed to the adoption agency where she meets Des. 

He tells her that she shouldnt go in without an attorney. After some persuasion she says ok and he takes her to his lawyer... Ilana, who says they've been looking for her, ironically she is Christians attorney, and she was in his will.  So, she meets Jack whos there to go over the will.  Surprise! I'm your sister!

Back on the Island, MIB tells Sayid to kill "our problem" aka Des. -.- Well, thankfully Sayid doesn't shoot him, at least in this
episode.  Seems Sayid still has feelings, when Des asks what he will tell Nadia, what he did to get her back, he hesitates. But we're
left wondering whether or not he did shoot him. 


Ahhh Just what we all were waiting for, the reunion of Sun and Jin and voila! she can
speak in English again!  I dont know why, but when I saw those pylons I thought Sun was gunna go kaboom. 

:( Sawyer's trying not to cry thinking about Juliet and the promise he made to her.

So Sawyer and his people arrive at Hydra to Zoe and a crew of Widmore goons with guns.  Sun and Jin are reunited, and they bomb MIB and the rest.  MIB gets Jack out of the line of fire and says "don't worry, you're with me now". Hmmmm we heard that earlier in the episode.  What happens when MIB starts talking thats so persuasive?

This episode was just to show progression in the storyline, nothing really happened.

Wait a sec... is that the Geico Caveman??


What happens when MIB starts talking?
Why is Des reuniting everyone who was on the island, Oceanic passengers or not? What does he know?
Why was Sun able to speak only when she saw Jin?



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