>> Green River Ordinance: Quickie 10

Quickie 10

Artist: Green River Ordinance

Latest Album: Out Of My Hands

In Stores: 02/24/2009

Official Site

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed. – Carl Jung

Assuming Jung is right, the same logic would dictate that the meeting of five personalities would create an equal reaction, five-fold in its power to change.

Such a meeting has taken place. Despite the remote Texas setting, five boys found each other. Accident, inevitability, chance, fate…no one will ever be able to explain whatever it is that draws the colors of the spectrum together into one stream of pure white light.

Green River Ordinance was born from this light. Brothers Geoff and Jamey Ice, Josh Jenkins, Joshua Wilkerson and Denton Hunker transformed their lives into one singular dream. The dream of creating music. While most kids their age were worrying about high school, they were writing and performing their own music.

We sat down with the group to ask them some stupid questions.

1. Favorite comic book character:
The Unicorn kid from Power Pack

2. What makes you angry?
Since majority of our time is spent on the open road it would have to be senseless drivers. We have avoided a few wrecks because of them.

3. Can you fake any accents?
Well we try! Sometimes our Texas accents can morph into a slight British thing

4.Comedy or Drama?
Drama with some lightheartedness to it does the trick.

5. I'm optimistic about:
Dallas Cowboy football

6. What color are your socks?

7. Do you text or call more?
Lately txt but am a fan of a real convo.

8. New Year's resolutions:
To learn a new language

9. Team Jacob or Team Edward?
Team Bella?!

10. Track on "Out Of My Hands" everyone should hear:
"On Your Own" 


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