
January Jones Joins X-Men: First Class

Dear Matthew Vaughn: do you not listen to a word we say? We told you to stop dishing out the X-Men: First Class casting nuggets one at a time. Did you listen? Did you arse. This one, however, is more of a confirmation taking the place of a rumour, since it appears that Mad Men’s January Jones is stepping in to the role of Emma Frost after Alice Eve couldn’t lock in a shooting schedule or deal.

The woman forever destined to be known as Betty Draper is in as beautiful mutant and telepathic powerhouse Frost, whose allegiance has shifted in her many comic book appearances, with little known about her role in the film.

And at least there is more than one chunk of mutant casting to confirm today, with Deadline additionally reporting that Bill Milner will play a young Magneto and Zoe Kravitz is signed on as Angel (huh? But Angel's a he, isn't he? And Zoe's a she. Are we being terribly post-modern and gender-neutral here, or is Deadline confused - or are we?), while Superhero Hype lists 2012’s Morgan Lily playing the younger version of Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique.

Just in case you haven’t been keeping up with the 10 billion casting announcements to date, the First Class registration list now includes Lawrence, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Caleb Landry Jones, Nicholas Hoult, Ed Gathegi, Lucas Till, Edi Gathegi, Rose Byrne, Oliver Platt, Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Kevin Bacon (Ed: er, not sure you're right with those last few).

Vaughn will start shooting this month for a planned release date of June 3 2011.

Peter Oberth
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