
John Goodman Joining Sandra Bullock, Tom Hanks in 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'

John Goodman is joining the cast of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Stephen Daldry's adaptation of the Jonathan Safran Foer novel.

Scott Rudin is producing the Warner Bros./Paramount co-production, which stars Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks.

The drama centers on Oskar, a 10-year old boy (being played by unknown Thomas Horn) who loses his father (Hanks) in the Sept. 11 attacks and goes on a cathartic journey to deal with his loss. He scours New York for information relating to the lock-box key box left behind by his father and meets an assortment of people along the way -- each dealing with their own forms of grief and loss that connect and parallel his own.

Goodman will play a doorman in Oskar's apartment building who goes on a trip to exhume the father's coffin.

The project, which carries with it the buzz of having one of the best scripts in town (Eric Roth penned it), is looking at a winter start with an eye of getting ready for the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Goodman, repped by Gersh and N2N Entertainment, recently wrapped Red State, Kevin Smith's latest movie, and appeared in HBO's Treme.

Peter Oberth
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