>> Super 8 Is Number One At US Box Office

Source: Empire

Though it didn’t enjoy the biggest launch of the summer blockbuster season so far, JJ Abrams’ retro sci-fi adventure Super 8 did solid business across the pond this weekend, debuting to $38 million (including around $1 million of that from early sneak peeks and midnight showings). The total was enough to give it the top spot at the US box office, with the real challenge ahead – can some healthy word of mouth give it real momentum?

There was less cheery news for X-Men: First Class, which took a hefty 54% dip in its second week, earning $25 million for a current total US gross of $98.8 million. The Hangover 2 also fell slightly, sinking to third with $18.5 million, but that has earned a healthy $216.5 million so far. Kung Fu Panda 2 went down to forth and$16.3 million, while Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides rounded out the top five, earning $10.8 million.

At sixth place was Bridesmaids with $10.1 million, ahead of the week’s only other wide release, kid pic Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer. Sadly, it looks like it will be a bummer for the book adaptation, which couldn’t muster up Wimpy Kid numbers and launched in seventh place with $6.2 million. Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris held strong at eighth, making $6.1 million, while Thor fell to ninth with $2.3 million. Finally at 10th we find Fast Five, preparing to roar out of the top 10 after adding $1.7 million for a $205 million US total to date.

Title: Super 8

Genre: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi

Director: J.J. Abrams

Studio: Paramount


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