Crazy Heart

Crazy Heart

In Theatres: 
Jan 15, 2010
Running Time: 
112 minutes

Jeff Bridges and Maggie Gyllenhaal star in this heartfelt story about a washed up musician who is given a second chance when he meets a lovely interviewer and is persuaded to turn his life around.

Back in the day, Bad Blake (Bridges) was a country music star. His albums sold amazingly well and he even mentored Tommy Sweet (Colin Farrell), the biggest country music legend to date. Things have changed though as now he is an alcoholic looking for any gig he can find, whether it's in some run down bar or even the local bowling alley. In comes Jean Craddock (Gyllenhaal), a journalist looking for her next story. The two instantly fall for each other and Bad begins his road to recovery.

Nominated for a Golden Globe, Bridges puts on quite the performance. While it at first may seem that he is just another drunk looking forward to his next drink, he character is much deeper than that. At times he comes off as crass or belligerent, but his true personality shows though his interactions with the fans. Whether it's singing a requested song or making biscuits for Jean's son, he usually comes through. Sure, he might not remember it in the morning because of his hangover but his heart is in the right place.

Things start to get a little awkward when Gyllenhaal enters the picture. There's just something not believable about the two of them being together. You become accustomed to their relationship as the film goes on but you never fully accept it. That is this films weakest part. Jean's son is probably one of the cutest kids you will ever see though.

Even if you're not a fan of country music (such as myself) the story is interesting enough to keep you entertained. Seeing Bridges's character develop, and fall apart at times, is what the film is all about. Just as Jean sees him, it's the man behind the music and not the music itself. 

If you can get past the unbelievable relationship between Bad and Jean, then Crazy Heart might be the right film for you. There is an occasional lull every now and then but the story is good enough to keep your attention for about two hours. 

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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