
Feast Of Love

Release Date: 
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
In Theatres: 
Sep 28, 2007
On DVD: 
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 42 Minutes

Feast Of Love begins with a metaphor about the Greek god’s being bored and creating humans, love, and laughter. Later there are even more metaphors for life, death, and love. The film tries to tie these metaphors into a handful of relationships that for the most part are flawed and somewhat damaged and the differences between men and women. There is a man who seems destined to be alone, a young couple destined to be together, and an older couple destined to figure out where they are long after a tragedy in their lives.  Yes, its another one of those movies with a somewhat large cast where the writer and director attempt to tie all their plotlines together with meaning.