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Emmy Wildwood: Mean Love

Mean Love

(Emmy Wildwood)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Emmy Wildwood first entered the music scene in 2012 in NYC with the punk trio VELTA. In 2013 Emmy was voted best indie pop star in NYC by Village Voice.  Now in 2014 she is releasing her debut EP Mean Love, featuring 4 songs.  The EP is being released on her own label, Tiger Blanket Records, which I thought was cool.
While Emmy doesn’t have a bad voice it’s a little to whinny for my taste.  I think she does have a nice voice just not something I could get into though I’m also not a fan of much pop.  The music in the background is all synths but has a little bit of classic rock feel to it.  I would have liked it better if she had used real drum tracks in place of drum machines.  A couple of the choruses where a little weird and I’m not sure what she was trying to sing but the others where a little bit catchy.
If you’re a fan of pop music You would probably like this EP, if your not its not horrible to the point that you want to turn it off right away but you may not necessarily enjoy it.
Wayne Stillson
Review by Wayne Stillson
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