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Wicked Blood
Scanners: Violence Is Golden

Violence Is Golden

Release Date: 
Tuesday, June 6, 2006

PJ Harvey meets Chrissie Hynde

This is one of those albums that you cannot listen to without hearing the twenty other bands that influenced its making.  That's not to say for a fact that the post-punk era sounding Violence is Golden is inspired by bands like The Pretenders or Joy Division, but you can't deny Sarah Daly's voice screams Chrissie Hynde. This British quartet has delivered a mildly gothic and upbeat sound with Joy and Evil Twin, yet classically maintains it's more modern progressions with Look What You Started.

Violence is Golden is not an album I would have picked up on my own had I heard a song on the radio, but given a good twice over, I could find myself listening to it once or twice a month. I would appreciate a more original sound and I expect if I were feeling sorry for myself, I might actually enjoy it. If you like the sound of 90's PJ Harvey and have a bottle of Tylenol handy, this album should happily find a spot on your wall.

Review by Baron Aloha