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Green Lantern: First Flight

Green Lantern: First Flight

On DVD: 
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Running Time: 
77 minutes
Real first flight

The first Green Lantern was Alan Scott created by writer Bill Finger and artist Martin Nodell in All-American Comics #16 in July 1940.

Green Lantern First Flight tells a story of the most famous of the Green Lanterns first becoming a Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. When a mortally wounded Abin Sur crash lands on Earth the Green Lantern power ring finds the replacement for Abin Sur in test pilot Hal Jordan. Accepting the power ring, Hal Jordan quickly finds himself standing in front of the Guardians of the Universe on the planet Oa. Here Hal Jordan is told that he will be training under the wings of the best of the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro. Before he has time to do any real training Hal Jordan finds himself in the middle of a battle for the rule of the universe and here he's just a meager pooser.
Being someone that is a big comic book fan and one of said comic books being Green Lantern I was thrilled to learn that a Green Lantern animated movie was being made. With high anticipation I waited until the day came when I got to watch this DVD and that day has finally come. The movie don't waste any time jumping right into Hal Jordan becoming a Green Lantern. This however I really didn't care much for. Here both DC Universe and WB has the chance to make a movie that can be 1 hour or 2 hours, and with it being the first of this character they have the opportunity to tell the story fully without having as many constraints as if it had come out in a theater. Instead of telling a fuller story on how Hal Jordan becoming a Green Lantern and learning how to use the ring of power, the story jumps right from him getting the ring to him in space fighting people that have been doing that for a long time.

Aside from how quickly Hal Jordan becomes a great Green Lantern in the movie, I was highly impressed with this movie. The plot has both the stables that make the story of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps good as well as a new story that gives it a new twist. Plus the parts of the movie is updated to what the newer Green Lantern characters look like so that this is not an old stale movie based on something that came out 30 years ago. Add in a star cast being the voices of the characters such as John Larroquette, Tricia Helfer, Michael Madsen, Christopher Meloni, Victor Garber, and Kurtwood Smith, makes this a well made movie that's a joy to watch. To add in more good points to the story and the voice acting, there's the impressive artwork. The characters in this movie were not drawn in a way to make them seem too otherworldly or in a way that makes them unbelievable. I've seen it before where an animated feature they characters are drawn in ways that they almost don't even look like the way they are supposed to and why this is done I can only guess as to why. But this is not the case with this movie. Everything in this movie, from the alien worlds to the alien creatures is drawn in a realistic and very good way.

Overall Green Lantern First Flight is a very good movie and does the story line of Hal Jordan and Green Lantern good. Maybe with more story lines on this caliber of level as well as voice acting and art work, we will get to see more animated features of Green Lantern. As much as I liked this movie I was left wanting more of it and wanting to see more of the many Green Lantern characters that exist. But I was picked up some from watching the special features. On these features there are 3 more animated cartoons of Duck Dodgers and Justice League Unlimited. These are not the only features on this 2 disc special edition that are worth watching and there is also the digital copy that wraps up the whole package nicely.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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