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Running Time: 
1 Hour, 48 Minutes

I'm sure it's a by-product of being an American and growing up mostly exposed to only American films, but this is the first movie that I can remember watching that takes on the aftermath of World War II from the German perspective. Based on the novel, The Dark Room, it follows the journey of five German siblings who are left to fend for themselves at the end of WWII. With Hitler's suicide and the Allied victory in the European theatre, Germany has fallen into disarray. The oldest child of the family, Hannelore (Lore for short), is charged with taking care of her younger brothers and sister when her parents are either killed or captured. With nowhere else to go, they set off across the German countryside, trying to find their way to Hamburg.

Along the way, they encounter the remnants of post-war Germany: peasants just trying to survive, an old woman who remains loyal to Hitler, even to the bitter end, American soldiers, and Jews. It's a potent mix that allows for a number of incredible scenes, particularly centering on Lore herself and her development through those harrowing times. She's not just a young teenager being forced to grow up very quickly, she's also a somewhat sheltered German with Nazi parents with a worldview that is being constantly being upended by the truth of what she's seeing all around her. Make no mistake: this is not an easy film to watch, but it's a very powerful one. Saskia Rosendahl, the young actress who portrays Lore, is fantastic. Her performance alone makes this worth seeing.

From a technical standpoint, this is one of the more impressive Blu-Ray releases that I've seen in while. The cinematography is beautiful and the level of detail in this release is fantastic. For all the brutality that you witness, there are camera shots here that almost feel lyrical in their beauty. The bonus features include a panel discussion, a making of, deleted scenes, an alternate ending, and one entitled "Memories of a German Girl." All in all, this is a terrific film and a solid Blu-Ray release. Highly recommended.

Jeremy Hunt
Review by Jeremy Hunt
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