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Super Water Sympathy: Hydrogen Child

Hydrogen Child

(Super Water Sympathy)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What happens when rock and roll gets mixed with pop music? Well, you get pop rock or in the case of Hydrogen Child by Super Water Sympathy you get rock pop. That might sound the same but there is a slight difference, that being with rock pop you get more rock than pop and that's what these songs are, rock pop. This album might have more rock in it than the normal pop song or the pop rock song, it's not by much though. There's just enough edge to the songs that allow them to stay away from the upbeat sound of pop but it's still there being used. It actually took me a few times listening to these songs before the songs started to grow on me.
Here's the thing, when I first listened to Hydrogen Child it was the vocals of lead singer Ansley Hughes that was throwing me off. Her voice has this shrill sound coming through that made me want to not like her. However, the woman also has a voice that's strong and very catchy making it hard not to like the way she sings. I could still hear the slight high pitch to her songs that just don't sit well with me and she does sing like most pop singers. Most of these songs are nothing that would stand out on the radio over the rest of the pop songs being played. Though I did eventually end up being drawn between liking the songs and not liking them, it's only because I kept listening to the songs. If I were to have heard them on the radio, I would have most likely changed the station before the song was over.
One thing that makes them not stand out is that the songs don't really change throughout the CD. One songs beat was like the next songs beat with a few differences in the notes. My first thought about this album was that it's a rough draft of one song. It's almost like with each song there are enough changes being made to call it different but the song is still the same just a little more refined. But as I said, I've been torn on liking the songs which means I actually did enjoy them some and there is a reason for that. One is that they do have a catchy beat to them that just makes those same sounds hard not to get stuck in your head. There's a lot of energy being put into the way these songs sound and that I can appreciate and it makes the songs a little more attractive. And as I said, Ansley Hughes has a strong voice that is also hard not to get stuck in your head. I might not have liked the album at first but with each time I listen it grows on me more and more.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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