Suz Slezak: Watching the Nighttime Come

Watching the Nighttime Come

(Suz Slezak)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Suz Slezak is singer/ songwriter originally from Charlottesville, VA. She is usually the other half of a band named “David Wax Museum.” However, she decided to release a collection of lullabies on her own in an album she titled “Watching the nighttime come.” The album was released on Tuesday, February 17, 2015 and contains 10 lullabies for all ages.
Suz has a very soft and delicate voice and the overall feel of the CD was very relaxing. However, I thought the intro to the rest of the CD felt very haunting and creepy. “Watching the nighttime come” did put me to sleep, but not for the right reasons. It lacked variety and felt eerie for all the wrong reasons. I’m not sure if my nieces would be able to sleep with this CD playing in the background during nap time. For those reasons, I am giving “Watching the nighttime come” a “D.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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