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Todd and the Book of Pure Evil
Bonus Features & Season 3 News

Blooper Reel, Deleted and Extended Scenes, Extended Musical Numbers, Special FX Bonus Material, Behind-the-Scenes Featurette, A Tribute to the fallen students of Crowley High, Commentary.
Space did not pick up Todd and the Book of Pure Evil for a third season but there might be a film made to have closure for the show.

Todd Smith (played by Alex House) and his gang are still working to take out the evil at Crowley High that the book of pure evil releases. While fighting off the possessed senior citizens and trying to live through a video game, Todd is still trying to win the love of Jenny (played by Maggie Castle). Meanwhile, Curtis (played by Billy Turnbull) has to deal with an ex-girlfriend that could destroy the gang. Anyone using the book will get their deepest, darkest, desire but it will possibly be the death to the user but for Jenny she finds out the reason of her fathers disappearance. With the help of Hannah (Melanie Leishman) and the janitor Jimmy (played by Jason Mewes) Todd must stop Atticus (played by Chris Leavins) from getting the book for himself and releasing pure evil onto the world.

This was the last sentence that I had in my review for season 1 of Todd and the Book of Pure Evil, "I can’t wait to find out what’s going to happen in season 2" and guess what, I got to find out what happens in season 2. It's yet another year of a show that is one funny and highly entertaining show that I've seen in awhile. Knowing that that I had watched the whole of season 1 back-to-back, I knew to be prepared to do the same with season 2. I was right in thinking this because once again season 2 brings the fun, the sex appeal, the reminders of high school life, and all the crazy gore filled adventures of this group.

With season 1 I didn't know what the show was going to do or what I should expect from it but I did with this season and that didn't hurt the show one bit. A lot of times when a show has such a great first season it's tough to give the audience the same experience in the second season but Todd and the Book of Pure Evil does so in buckets. This season was easy enough to follow along with the plot, mainly because the plot is given in the first episode, but I actually liked knowing what to expect to happen in the upcoming episodes. Whereas in the first season Todd was finding himself and learning about the book, this season has him being the leader of his little gang as they try to stop Atticus from getting control of the book for his own evil uses.

What I liked about this season is that the show brings even more crazy, absurd plots where the gang is having to fight some crazy battles as the book takes possession of anyone that seems to have a need for it. Each episode seems to have just as corny and funny jokes in them as the last and this cast does an excellent job at making their characters funny. I said this show is a reminder of high school life and if there had been a evil book going around taking control of other students and killing them, this would be how I would see the events going down. Ok, well not entirely the same since the authorities would have been called in at the first death but hey this show is supposed to be funny not reality and it does it's job well.

Here's the thing, I like this show so much because of all the crude humor, the cursing that's done through out it, the sexual tension between all the cast members, and even all the gore and violence makes for a very fun show. Take any one of these elements away and this show will loose it's character. It's original, it's off beat, and it's characters make the show worth watching. Where as the first season had me with the little evil version of Todd, this season was great with how they had Todd wanting to always carry his sword around. What's even better is that he was able to walk around his school with this gigantic sword on his back and no one said anything to him about it. To me this brought tears to my eyes it was so funny. But there's so much more to the show as the characters are put into this crazy off the wall situations that force them to deal with the death of other students because of the book and they do it so well.

Todd and the Book of Pure Evil has an edge to it and that edge consists of the cast, the writing, and even the effects ranging from the exploding body parts to one really cool looking hippie girl/tree girl. Being able to take such a topic of a book that will bring evil and death to anyone associated with it is tough but to be able to make it funny and entertaining I would say is extremely difficult but once again this show pulls it off. We get a show where the hero is a doofus, a funny one at that, his side-kick that's an bigger idiot than the hero but one that will stick with his best-friend no matter what, and two girls that bring the sex appeal while keeping the guys in check on the show. I like how they keep these characters from falling into the typical formula of having the first season being about the main character liking the female lead but nothing happening then in the second they get together at the start and then the rest of the season is about their relationship. Not with Todd and Jenny, I won't say what happens but I will say it keeps with the heart of the show and does so in a great way. Todd and the Book of Pure Evil season 2 was just as good as season 1, better even, and it's made it onto my list of favorite shows.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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