>> Chamberlin: Bitter Blood (2011)

Artist: Chamberlin

Album: Bitter Blood

Genre: Folk, Rock

Label: Roll Call Records

Tracks: 9

Type: LP

Release Date: March 1, 2011

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

As a music reviewer, it’s always encouraging to be pleasantly surprised by a band that seemingly comes out of nowhere. The truth obviously is never that simple: good music usually takes time to craft and write, especially when that process involves more than one person. But for all intents and personal purposes, Chamberlin is a band that has sprung fully formed into my consciousness, a musical Athena borne from Zeus’ head (or in this case, Vermont).

Chamberlin plays a style of Americana/folk rock that seems to be enjoying a revival within certain areas of the country these days. And while it’s not a type of music that I listen to regularly, hearing a band like Chamberlin do what they do so well could turn me into a convert pretty quickly. With a solid mix of heartfelt vocals, compelling lyrics and masterful instrumentation, this is a solid record from start to finish.

If you’re looking for points of comparison, look to artists like My Morning Jacket, the quieter moments of Ryan Adams, Jeff Finlin and maybe even elements of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. I might even throw some of Jack White’s music in the mix, again on the softer end of the spectrum (though they get rockin’ and a bit funky on “Paper Crown”). Speaking of that, the depth of soul that’s revealed throughout this album is also really cool and encouraging. There’s real heart at work here, not just going through the motions.

In the end, I hope this isn’t the last we’re going to hear from Chamberlin. They’ve got something special going on here and it would be shame for them not to continue. If they come through your area on tour, be sure to check ‘em out.


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