>> The Good Natured Skeleton (2011)

Artist: The Good Natured

Album: Skeleton

Members: Sarah McIntosh

Genre: DJ/Dance, Pop

Label: Astralwerks

Tracks: 7

Release Date: October 25, 2011

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.88 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Pop music, it seems to be everywhere on the radio these days and now another group has made their claim to radio style pop music. That band is called The Good Natured and their album is a techno pop style set of songs. The album Skeleton is one album that I liked as well as disliked because of the techno pop sound of all the songs. What I didn’t like right off the start is the remix of the title song Skeleton. I really don’t like remixes that much and having a song that is the first time I’ve heard it being the remix then having the regular version of the song played right after the remix didn’t sit that well with me. With it being the first time I heard the song I didn’t have anything to base the sound of the remix off of and when I did hear the regular version played what I got out of it was how different the songs sound from each other.
However, the difference in the sounds of this one song that’s played 2 different ways was how the other songs were formatted as well. Because of how The Good Natured has their songs giving a somewhat different beat to the songs on this album, I was able to like the songs more than if they had made them with that same beat. Which is works out well because the beats on these songs are played with a balanced amount of energy that hasn’t made the songs sound too overwhelming. These are songs that will play very well at any dance club because of the beats and the energy that the songs give off.
What makes these songs work more so than the beats and the instruments, are the vocals and the lyrics. These are some well thought out lyrics that are not comprised of a repetitive chorus of one word or even one sound being done by the lead vocalist. For The Good Natured, Sarah McIntosh is the lead vocals for the band and her voice, though has the audio mixed sound to it, is good. She has a good voice and one that she uses to tell some how she feels in her songs. Sarah McIntosh has put emotion as well into these songs along with the energy and this emotion is heard in the lyrics. Though I don’t like the remix, and the audio mix sound that the songs have at times is a little over used, the overall sound of this album is fun and sounds good.


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