>> A Horrible Way to Die (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: A Horrible Way to Die

Genre: Drama, Suspense

Starring: Amy Seimetz, Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen

Director: Adam Wingard

Studio: Anchor Bay

Runtime: 87 minutes

Release Date: September 6, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.65 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Bonus Features

Commentary, Behind the Scenes

Serial killer Garrick Turrell (played by AJ Bowen) was able to get away from the police and has went back to killing. Garrick’s ex-girlfriend Sarah (played by Amy Seimetz) has not learned about his escape as she works to build a better life for herself, one that don’t include alcohol. While attending meetings for her drinking problem, Sarah meets Kevin, also a recovering alcoholic, who she starts to date but she can’t bring herself to fully open herself to him.

Watching this movie is a horrible way to die because of how boring it is. With all the death in this by the serial killer Garrick there should have been a lot of action with a fast paced movie. Instead, there’s a lot of death or I should saying people being killed in this movie, but there’s no action. Pacing in this movie is so slow that after only 20 minutes of it I thought I had been watching it for at least an hour. What’s worse is that the pacing of the movie don’t pick up, it remains slow throughout the whole movie.

What annoyed the most about A Horrible Way to Die was the camera movement. This movie was filmed handheld making it shaking the whole time. All the shaking could have been overlooked but making it worse is the overuse of the zooming in and out while keeping the camera shaking. Now with some movies the camera moving around so much works for it, with A Horrible Way to Die it made it seem like I was watching a home movie. Even to add to the horrible camera work is the focus going in and out. It’s hard to stay focused on a movie that is boring, slow moving, no action, poor acting, that’s filmed with the camera shaking, zooming in and out, while going out focus at times. To top off such bad camera work, the angles used in this movie are just bland with on creativity to them.

Adding to this list, the plot is boring and it don’t tell you where it’s going. If I had not read the back of the case for the product description I would have been lost for the first hour of the 1 hour 27 minute long movie. It’s not a confusing movie that kept me on my toes guessing as to what was going to happen next, it just didn’t explain what was going on. The serial killer gets away from the police but how, it’s not shown how he escapes, though there are flashes of right after he does, but not how. Then throughout the movie there are flash backs to show how he is connected to the character Sarah and eventually, slowly, how he was caught but not one time does it explain what he is doing. I didn’t know where he was going, it don’t say, and the character Garrick barely talks so there’s no clues given that he is going to find Sarah. For all I knew he could have been going to Mexico, without any explanation as to what is going on in this movie any guess is the right guess and that just makes for a bad way to have the viewer guessing. By the end I wanted it to be over, and when it was over I didn’t feel any real closure with the movie. There’s a ending that comes out of nowhere but it just didn’t satisfy me enough to like A Horrible Way to Die.

I wasn’t impressed any with the quality of this movie even though it was a Blu Ray. If I had watched this on a HD channel I wouldn’t have been able to tell any difference. When there are scenes that are darker the noise is easily seen in the picture. It’s not a bad looking movie, it’s just not as sharp and clear as Blu Ray’s can be. About the only decent aspect to this Blu Ray is the audio, however there’s not much dialog in this movie and the score is so low key that having a decent audio level does nothing for it. 


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