>> Conan O'Brien Can't Stop (2011)

Title: Conan O'Brien Can't Stop

Edition: Standard

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Conan O'Brien, Andy Richter

Director: Rodman Flender

Studio: Magnolia Home Entertainment

Runtime: 89 minutes

Release Date: September 13, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.63 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

It’s widely known what happened to Conan O’Brien with his stint as the Tonight Show host. Because of those events with the show, Conan O’Brien was not allowed to appear on television, the internet, and on any radio for six months. Not being able to not do any of his comedic performances Conan O’Brien does the only option he has left open to him, take his show on the road. The Legally Prohibited from Being on Television Tour went around to 32 cities where Conan O’Brian took his comedy and music on the road to make people laugh with him.

Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop is a documentary but not one that would be like the typical documentary. On this documentary there is no host or narrator that guides the view along on the telling of the story nor are any questions being asked off screen that is being answered by the focal point of the documentary. What this documentary is, is the showing of Conan O’Brien deciding that he wanted to go on tour and then the tour itself. For the missing narrating that guides the story along, it’s Conan himself doing all the talking, though he’s not telling any specific answers to anything.

Not only is this not the typical format for a documentary but it’s more of a long showing of what goes on behind the scenes before and after a celebrity does a show. If you ever wanted to know what happens backstage before the show happens and what happens once the show is over and this is what Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop the documentary is about, the behind the curtain if you will of what Conan O’Brien went through after losing his show.
Watching this I was a little surprised at some of the things that Conan O’Brien was saying and doing on this documentary. My first thought about this before watching it was that I was going to be laughing a lot and getting an inside view of how Conan O’Brien reacts to what he went through. Instead, what I saw was how self-centered Conan O’Brien can be while taking out some of this annoyance on his crew. At times I thought maybe he is joking because how he treats his assistant and writers is just rude but then the way he says it just don’t give the impression that it’s a joke. If what he was doing was in jest then it was in poor taste.

Not only does Conan O’Brien treat his crew poorly but he seemed to complain a lot about the fans that have worked very hard to get there to see him and he even complains about other celebrities that have come to see him. While not doing it to their faces, which I think is one of the aspects that annoyed me about the documentary, is that Conan O’Brien would say that he can’t say no to his fans when they request a autograph or photo but then when he does meet them, afterwards he complains and is upset that he had to do it. He also does this with some of the celebrities that show up to see his show, where one threw him a party and before the party and after the party all he did was complain about having to be there and how he shouldn’t have to do it. Even his crew are not immune to having his annoyance wrath put on them when one of the dancers introduces her mother and some other family to Conan O’Brien and afterwards he complains that he had to do it and then continues to make snide remarks about it.

Pretty much this documentary was a showing at how Conan O’Brien wants to be loved, liked, and watched by his fans and what he will do to get it. It also shows how he feels and acts before and after he meets those same said fans and it’s not in a good manner. What I first thought was going to be funny ended up being a documentary that gave me a whole new view of this comedian that puts him in a bad light. During the whole time I kept thinking that if this man who wants to be liked and have all these fans is hating doing this so much and having to meet these people then he shouldn’t be doing it. I can understand him being annoyed at someone that approaches him while eating or in the bathroom asking for autograph or photo but when he walks up to them where he is ready to give those autographs then he shouldn’t be getting annoyed with them and then saying that he don’t like it, just don’t do it. This is what Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop shows, a man who seems to want to make people laugh but in doing so he whines and complains about how they do like him so much that they want to say hi and get a photo with him.


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