>> Glory (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: Glory

Genre: Drama, War

Starring: Matthew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Andre Braugher, Jane Alexander, Cary Elwes

Director: Edward Zwick

Studio: TriStar

Runtime: 122 Minutes

Release Date: June 2, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.55 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+


The scenes for the party were filmed in Jim Williams' house in Savannah. This house and its owner were the basis for the film Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Glory is an incredible movie showcasing some of the best performances by the bevy of actors starring in the Edward Zwick film about the first black regiment in the Civil War.

Good.  The picture is clear enough but the sound is incredible.

Virtual battlefield map, deleted scenes, making-of, featurettes, documentary, commentary.

The picture gets a bit grainy at times but not to the point of distraction and the sound is amazingly clear.  The bonus features are actually entertaining with a short documentary on the real soldiers who inspired the movie.  Matthew Broderick and Cary Elwes are two likeable actors that have never really been all that impressive but, in this movie, with the help of always impressive Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman, they shine brighter than they ever have before or since.



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