>> Horsemen (2009)

Title: Horsemen

Genre: Horror, Suspense

Starring: Dennis Quaid, Clifton Collins Jr., Ziyi Zhang, Lou Taylor Pucci, Barry Shabaka Henley

Director: Jonas Akerlund

Studio: Lionsgate

Runtime: 110 minutes

Release Date: July 14, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.78 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Bonus Features

Commentary With Director Jonas Akerlund & DP Eric Broms, Deleted Scenes

Detective Aidan Breslin gives his all to his job, it caused him to not be there for his wife when she was sick and dying and it continues to keep him away from his sons that are struggling to deal with their grief and move on with their lives. Aidan tries to make things work but a new case calls for all of his attention. A group inspired by the four horsemen of the Apocalypse is leaving a message for the world in way of horrible murders. Detective Breslin will have to put everything together quickly to put a stop to it before their plan is completed.

Generic cover, horror/thriller, Lionsgate all things that made me think it would be a subpar movie that was going to bleed into all the others I watch and be a waste of my time. I was wrong. It is still a B type movie; but it is one of the highest B movies I have seen. Dennis Quaid, Ziyi Zhang, and Lou Taylor Pucci are outstanding and really help bring this movie to a height it might not have reached.

The story has a very “Seven” feel and not just because it deals with religious undertones. While there are some disturbing deaths involved I would consider it more thriller than horror. I actually really enjoyed the set-up and the idea behind it. One problem I had was that everything gets wrapped up really quickly by the time the end comes around. Almost like they were afraid to go over the 90 minute mark. I think another 5-10 minutes could have done wonders. This is one I am going to suggest to friends to watch once the price has dropped some.

Grade is lowered for the rushed ending.


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