>> Infestation (2009)

Title: Infestation

Genre: Action/Adventure, Sci-Fi, SF Allnighter

Starring: Chris Marquette, Brooke Nevin, Kinsey Packard, E. Quincy Sloan, Wesley Thompson, Ray Wise

Director: Kyle Rankin

Studio: First Look Pictures

Runtime: 93 minutes

Release Date: October 13, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Bonus Features

Director Commentary

Cooper is a slacker that is about to get fired at work; but while his boss is yelling at him there is a loud noise and the next thing he knows he is waking up in a web. Large bugs have taken over and all humans are sedated and trapped. Cooper begins to slowly wake as many as he can find and a group begins to form. Together they have to figure out a way to travel undetected and how to take on the infestation of bugs that are now ruling the world.

When I saw the cover I was expecting a crappy movie that had horrible effects and maybe a few jokes here or there that were somewhat funny. Instead I found “Infestation” to be an entertaining, awesome movie for this genre. The effects are better than that of Syfy channel quality, the acting is the right amount of sarcastic, overacting, and panicked. I find Chris Marquette hilarious and Ray Wise if awesome. And if big killer bugs are not enough for you then maybe the half human half bug creatures will suck you in.

You don’t really get any answers about the bugs which sucks; but the overall concept is carried through in an amusing, higher quality than expected way. Is it perfect? Nah; but it is enjoyable and makes for a good movie night in.



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