>> Magic in Minnesota (2011)

Title: Magic in Minnesota

Edition: standard

Starring: Dan Gladden, Gene Larkin, and Kent Hrbek

Studio: A&E Home Video

Runtime: 70 minutes

Release Date: August 2, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 0.90 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Official DVD Details:
“In more than 100 years of World Series play there have been many that could be considered memorable and a handful that might be classified as unforgettable. But only one can be called the best ever and for many the 1991 World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Minnesota Twins was just that. MAGIC IN MINNESOTA revels in the mesmerizing masterpiece of Jack Morris' 1-0, 10-inning Game 7 and Kirby Puckett's unbelievable heroics in Game 6. This celebration salutes the contributions of superstars, support players, and the deafening, intimidating Minnesota Twins fans who electrified the Metrodome like never before. MAGIC IN MINNESOTA is more than just another film about just another championship team. It's about the Twins, your Twins, and perhaps the greatest World Series of all time.”

My Details:
It’s over an hour worth of documentary where people talk about the Minnesota Twins winning the World Series in 1991 against the Atlanta Braves.

As you can probably tell by my detail portion above, I didn’t think much of this documentary. This is because of 2 reasons, first is I’m not a baseball fan, I don’t like it, I find it boring, and I know absolutely nothing about it. Secondly, this is only showing highlights that talk about the one team while it’s a team I know nothing about that’s told by people I don’t know anything about. I pretty much found this to be extremely boring and it felt like it was going to be a never ending documentary.
There’s not much to this documentary really, a bunch of people talking about the Twins winning the 91 World Series while showing some highlights of those games. For someone that is into baseball or is a fan of the team the Minnesota Twins, then this would be something that is enjoyable to watch. However, since I’m neither of these I didn’t find the content of this documentary at all appealing. I really did try to get into this but couldn’t, with having no interest in the subject I found the people talking on here didn’t enthuse me any or interest me enough to really listen to what they were saying.
Now since I didn’t find the subject of this documentary interesting I had to go off the quality of the DVD. This is basically the normal look of a low end DVD because of the games being filmed in 1991. Being that the games where played 20 years ago there is nothing that my HD television set is going to do to make it look like it is anything other then a 20 year old footage. Audio levels where what I expected with it being a DVD where I had to turn the volume levels up a few notches to make sure I heard what was being said. Maybe if I enjoyed the game of baseball more I would have found this interesting but with not being a fan this documentary was nothing I could get into liking.


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