>> Meet The Fockers (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Meet The Fockers

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Ben Stiller, Robert DeNiro, Dustin Hoffman, Barbra Streisand

Director: Jay Roach

Studio: Universal

Runtime: 116 Minutes

Release Date: November 30, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 2.70 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site


The flight attendant is Kali Rocha the same actress from Meet the Parents (2000). That's why Greg gives her an odd look when she offers to take his bag and be helpful.

If you’ve read my review on Meet The Parents you’ll know I loathe this franchise. When Meet The Fockers came out I generally ignored it, watching bits and pieces of it when it aired on television, but had never watched it all the way through. This second installment of the franchise is a desperate plea for attention as a lot of the same situational comedy scenario’s play out. Stiller has rotten luck, DeNiro is an illogically clichéd jerk, and when all else fails you get the repeated use of the Focker last name tossed into a kitchen sink formula that plays itself out. Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand help this painful pill go down but in the end Meet The Fockers is just so bad it only makes for good viewing when your bored out of your mind and desperate.

Terrible. It’s a real shame seeing as how the transfer for Meet The Parents was so well balanced just falling short of being perfect. Meet The Fockers is an overextension of color magnification which causes unnatural shades to become present and throws the black and white levels of the film into a tail spin. To make matters worse a fairly large amount of grain is present for a majority of the movie causing distortion in definition and combined with the magnified color of, well, everything, clarity suffers. If you must own this film I would suggest sticking with the DVD version. Audio is decent but like Meet The Parents it’s never really utilized in the surround sound process making it a mostly front heavy affair.

*Deleted Scenes
*Inside the Litter Box: Behind The Scenes with Jinx The Cat.
*The Manary Gland
*Focker’s Family Portrait
*The Adventures of a Baby Wrangler
*Matt Lauer Meets The Fockers
*Feature Commentary with Director Jay Roach and Editor/Co-Producer Jon Poll

Like Meet The Parents this is a disappointing collection of bonus features considering that their all the same from the standard DVD version.



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