>> Shopping (2011)

Title: Shopping

Genre: Alternative Lifestyles, Drama, Suspense

Starring: Jude Law, Sadie Frost

Director: Paul W. S. Anderson

Studio: Severin Films

Runtime: 106 mins

Release Date: February 1, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Previous to watching Shopping, I’d seen exactly one decent Paul W.S. Anderson film (Event Horizon, in case you were wondering). After watching Shopping, that number remains at one. Hey-o!!

Granted, I’ll give the guy that it was his first film. It’s got some decent elements: soundtrack, atmosphere, and cinematography. But the main plot of the film is flimsy at best and, quite honestly, completely boring at worst. Here’s the basic rundown: Jude Law (looking not a day over 15) and Sadie Frost play a couple of punkish anarchists whose idea of a good time is stealing cars, trashing them, crashing them into storefront properties and then shoplifting at will before the cops get there. They go to raves, hang out with like-minded punks and have run-ins with cops and a rival gang of anarchists.

And that’s pretty much it. There’s not a whole lot else to the movie and quite frankly I was bored stiff. Jude Law spends most of it shouting obscenities and giving people the finger. According to the promotional blurbs on the back of the DVD case, Shopping was censored for years due to controversial content. But I suspect the actual reason was a lot more mundane: it's just a lame film that no one really wanted to see.


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