>> Teen Wolf (1985)

Title: Teen Wolf

Genre: Comedy, SF Allnighter

Starring: Michael J. Fox, James Hampton, Scott Paulin, Susan Ursitti, Jerry Levine

Director: Rod Daniel

Studio: MGM

Runtime: 1 Hour 32 Minutes

Release Date: August 23, 1985

MPAA Rating: PG


"Teen Wolf", whose Italian title is "Voglia di Vincere" ("It wants to win"), was released in Italy shortly after Back to the Future (1985). Due to this, the main character's name Scott was changed to Marty, the same name as Michael J. Fox's character in BttF.

What is your favorite Michael J Fox movie?  Back to the Future?  Doc Hollywood?  Back to the Future II?  For me, the one that stands out the most is Teen Wolf.  So, before the sure-to-be-horrible MTV "reboot" TV series comes about, I figured that I should go ahead and throw this movie back out there for public consumption.

Teen Wolf is kind of like "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" if told through the campy 80s eyes of Jacob, but with less smoldering, except that it's really nothing like it at all.  Teen Wolf tells the story of a loser-ish high school kid (Fox) that has eyes for popularity and the pretty out-of-his-league girl.  The kid doesn't stand a chance until he starts noticing some changes.  In only the way an 80s movie can, Fox begins to transform into a wolf with seemingly superhuman powers (which allows, among other things, the 3 foot 9 inch Fox to dunk a basketball and become the star of his team).

The movie inches toward an ending that is both cliche and satisfying while Fox's character gets plenty of innocent revenge along the way.

Despite the way it sounds, Teen Wolf is one of the better movies that I've featured in this column, not just a good "bad" movie.  Afterall, it lent way for the sequel, cutely titled "Teen Wolf Too", which star Jason Bateman admitted that "only stoners could have possibly enjoyed".  It may have spurred on a bad sequel and a possibly even worse TV show to come, but that doesn't take away from the fun of the original.




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