>> Something Borrowed (2011)

Title: Something Borrowed

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romantic

Starring: Kate Hudson, Ginnifer Goodwin, John Krasinski, Colin Egglesfield, Steve Howey

Director: Luke Greenfield

Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures

Runtime: 110 minutes

In Theatres: May 6, 2011

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

As the old saying goes, a wedding should have “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” for good luck. Somehow I don’t think “something borrowed” referred to sleeping with your best friend’s husband-to-be. Unfortunately for Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin), that’s exactly what happened.

All her life, Rachel has been number two to her best friend, Darcy (Kate Hudson). She always had the looks, the liveliness, and most importantly, she always got the guys. While in law school, Rachel meets the charming Dex (Colin Egglesfield) and the two instantly hit it off. Neither of the two, however, have the courage to tell each other how they really feel so Darcy swoops in to claim her prize. Fast forward to the present and Darcy and Dex are engaged. After a drunken night of partying, the inevitable happens; Rachel and Dex hook up. With the old sparks of love rekindled, can Rachel really go through with breaking up her best friend’s engagement?

Something Borrowed plays out like your typical romantic comedy at first. There’s the whole sappy forbidden romance between two characters that seem perfect for each other. Throw in someone who you have a natural inclination to dislike (Darcy) and you have a tried-and-true formula. The film is just that and doesn’t deviate much from the stereotypical.

One notable exception however is John Krasinski who plays friend and advice giver Ethan. Whether he’s dolling out words of wisdom to Rachel or avoiding that crazy girl he accidentally slept with, whenever Krasinski is on screen, he’s rather hilarious.

The same can’t be said for many of the other characters. Sure, you’ll get a laugh every now and then and Ginnifer Goodwin is the cute and innocent girl you can’t help love, but there was always something missing from the film. Colin Egglesfield does that that classic Tom Cruise charm surrounding him so women who are into that have something to fall back to. As for the rest of us, there just isn’t much to grab on to.

Something Borrowed has it’s moments but they are few and far in between. Were it not for the saving graces of John Krasinski, I’m afraid the film would have bombed.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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