>> Jersey Shore: Season 2 (Uncensored) (2010)

Show: Jersey Shore

Season/Volume: Season 2 (Uncensored)

Genre: Drama, Reality

Starring: Pauly D, The Situation, Vinny, Snooki, MVP, JWOWW, Angelina, Ron

Studio: MTV

Runtime: 710

Release Date: December 28, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 0.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: F

Official Site

Special Features

Reunion Special, After Hour Specials, Interviews, and more

MTV has put out another reality show with 8 people living in a house together in Miami Beach around the South Beach area. It’s the second season of the show Jersey Shore where the cast leave from New York to get away from the snow and the cold to have fun down in the sun filled beaches of Miami. Here the Situation, Vinny, Pauly D, Snooky, JWOWW, Angelina, Ron, and MVP try to get along with each other, make new friends, get involved in new relationships, maybe end old relationships, but mainly they just want to have fun and get some sun.

Jersery Shore, this show called reality show is outright the stupidest show that I’ve ever seen in my life. There’s no point to, there’s no plot, there’s nothing in this that I found interesting. All these people are rude, crude, mean, judgmental, spiteful, egotistical, and stupid, to say the least. If there is anything that can be taken away from this show is that it proves that if it has drama in it, sexual situations, skin being shown, and it’s aired then it will be watched and talked about it. I find it sad that a show like this has actually made it to a second season when other shows that have good plots, acting, and is entertaining is canceled.

These episodes are nothing but these 20 something people going around to party with each other and other people while trying to create unneeded drama in their lives and the lives of the others. Jersey Shore is set up like it’s a reality show where it follows the lives of these people while during the episodes there are cast members talking about certain scenes during the show. Only it’s just the same stupid problems being shown over and over again. One moment they seem to be fine with each other but then after going out to a bar yet again to get drunk, try to hook up with someone, there seems to be yet another problem with one or more of them. It’s boring, it’s stupid, and it’s not entertaining.

I just don’t get how this show could be fun to watch. Editing on it is horrible with the scenes will cut from a decent camera to what looks like security cameras. Only those security cameras are moving around like they are the good cameras yet it looks horrible. There’s also the shaking of the camera, the old time look where there is scratches and jumps to the film, and the quick in and out zooms of the camera. It’s all annoying to see this cinematography being done on this show. The only reason I think it’s edited and filmed this way is because otherwise it would show just how idiotic this show is.

There’s just so much wrong with this show and the people in it I just don’t understand how it could be on air. Here this cast of people consist of guys that are muscle bound who only worries about finding the next girl to have sex with and what the others are doing. Then there’s the girls who are using spray on tanning like it’s moisturizer and is worried about what next guy they will get while at the same time professing their love to the guys that live in the house. Lets not forget that they all, both guys and girls, are more worried about their clothes, the way they look, and the way others look then they are about anything else. Also, where do these people get the money to spend $400 on a pair of sunglasses that have fake stones covering them to the point that they can’t be seen out of? All the parties and clothes they buy I just don’t get where the money is coming from. Then again, I could care less, the show is just horrible and I’m glad that I’m now finished with watching this DVD set of the show.


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