New Line

My Sister's Keeper

Conceived as a marrow donor for her gravely ill sister, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) has undergone countless surgeries and medical procedures in her short life.... Read more

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

Celebrity photographer Connor Mead (MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY) loves freedom, fun and women…in that order.  A committed bachelor with a no-strings policy, he thinks nothing of breaking up with multiple women on a conference call while prepping his next date.  ... Read more


"MacGyver" was a science-oriented adventure series that ran from 1985-92 on ABC.... Read more

He's Just Not That Into You

A group of interconnected, Baltimore-based twenty- and thirtysomethings navigate their various relationships from the shallow end of the dating pool through the deep, murky waters of married life, trying to read the signs of the opposite sex--and hoping to be the exceptions to the "no-exceptions"... Read more


Books lead us into worlds filled with fantasy, drama, horror, comedy, and everything in between. Inkheart contains a little bit of all of these wrapped around the tale of Mortimer "Mo" Folchart and his gift of being able to read books into real life. ... Read more

The New World: The Extended Cut

Surely in history class you have heard the tales of Capt.... Read more

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Odd Couple Harold and Kumar are on their way to Amsterdam to track down Harold’s love interest when the two are arrested for terrorist activity while on the plane to the their destination. One thing leads to another and the pair find themselves on a journey filled with hijinx and mayhem. ... Read more

The Golden Compass

Fans of the Golden Compass series should be relatively pleased with the translation of book to screen here as the film is extremely loyal to it source.... Read more

Martian Child

Recently widowed science fiction writer, David (John Cusack), decides to take a big step in his life and adopts a child. It turn out that this child, Dennis (Bobby Coleman), is no ordinary child but one who thinks he is a Martian.... Read more

Shoot 'Em Up

Mr. Smith (Clive Owen), a mysterious loner and expect gunslinger, is on the run from a gang and its leader Mr. Hertz (Paul Giamatti). He is accompanied by DQ (Monica Bellucci) and a baby. Shoot‘Em Up is a high octane, action packed, film that will give your brain a serious rush. ... Read more
