Warner Home Video

The Dukes

Here in The Dukes, Coy, Vance, Daisy, Bo, and Luke Duke go on a race against Boss Hogg and Rosco around the world. It’s a race to the finish for prize money that will either allow Uncle Jesse to pay on his farm or for Boss Hogg to take the winnings and Uncle Jesses farm.... Read more

Mutiny On The Bounty

Getting drafted is never a fun thing but when a crew of men is drafted for the ship Bounty they find out that it’s the worst moment of their lives. It all starts with a two year long trip to Tahiti for some breadfruit plants but things get worse when the captain of the ship comes aboard.... Read more

Scooby-Doo 1 & 2 Collection: Family Double Feature

When I hear Double Feature it reminds me of those terrible combo DVD’s that stack two or even four films onto one disc because no one really wants any them and sell them at a bargain price. No need to worry here.... Read more

Ocean's 11 (1960)

When Danny Ocean (played by Frank Sinatra) decides to pull off a robbery there’s only one way he knows how to do this, by hiring 10 of his old friends from the 82nd Airborne division he served with in World War II.... Read more

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (Ultimate Edition)

Man, maybe I missed the boat on this one, but so far my experience with the world of Harry Potter has not been a good one (with the caveat that I’ve never read the books). I saw the first movie in theatres back whenever it came out.... Read more

The Exorcist: Extended Director’s Cut & Original Theatrical Edition

I must confess that, prior to watching this release, I’d never seen The Exorcist. I’d certainly heard plenty about it throughout my life, to the point that I knew most of the main scenes and important story beats…but that knowledge didn’t lessen the impact of the film one bit.... Read more

Thundarr the Barbarian

In 1994 a rogue planet hurtles through space with nothing able to stop it. On it’s journey through space the planet spears between Earth and the Moon causing the Moon to split in half. Earth is destroyed in the aftermath.... Read more

Three Kings

David O. Russell’s Three Kings is a weird movie about the aftermath of the first Gulf War. It’s a mixed bag of action, comedy, drama and political commentary that manages to gel and succeed as a film.... Read more

The Treasure Of Sierra Madre

Bogart plays Fred C. Dobbs, a hapless hobo with a heart of gold, who partners with another hobo by the name of Bob Curtain and an experienced old miner named Howard.... Read more

The Maltese Falcon

Bogart plays neither hero nor villain in this incredible crime noir film from 1941. Starring alongside Bogart is Sydney Green street (Casablanca), Mary Astor (The Philadelphia Story), and Peter Lorre (M), a cast of characters all beset on getting their hands on the elusive Maltese Falcon.... Read more
