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Jay Stolar: More Than We Think

More Than We Think

(Jay Stolar)
(Jay Stolar)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

First impressions are always the most important impressions to make. How that first time goes can influence whether or not anything more will come out of that first time. Usually this is being used for when someone is meeting another person for the first time but this is also very important when it comes to music. More Than We Think was my first impression for the artist Jay Stolar because it's not only the first time I heard him sing but it's also his debut album. Jay Stolar was once with the lead vocals in the band Julius C before he ventured out on his new album of soulful songs.
More Than We Think is a good beginning for a debut album. The songs are well written, well sung, and have an emotional tone to them. This whole album contains songs that are strong with emotions and that's because of the vocals that Jay Stolar put in the songs. His voice has a higher pitch but still it's strong. He has an eloquent voice that makes the songs sound more like one that would be sung during a very fun moment during church, though without the gospel part, or while trying to make someone be inspired. Faith and inspiration is what I think Jay Stolar is trying to make his debut album have, or at least for me that is what the music sounds like to me. Jay Stolar has a good ear for changing his tone while singing. He goes from low soft levels to a long drawn out note where his voice stays on key. He does have a strong voice that does make the songs have a soulful sound while making them powerful it's not the in your face power.
What makes these songs powerful are the vocals as well as the the instruments being played. On this album it was the drums that I was enjoying the most and seem to help with Jay Stolar's vocals. Even though the songs wouldn't be the usual style that I listen to because they are low key and do have that inspirational sound to them I still found the songs enjoyable. This album has songs that have good harmony to them and some good melodies. Maybe the beats aren't that fast, the vocals aren't being screamed out, and I won't be energized to the point of wanting to go running or be a gladiator but I did end up enjoying the sound of the songs.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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