‘The Broken Hearts Gallery’ Review: Feel Good Film of 2020

Written by Matt Rodriguez

I think it’s safe to say that everyone has had their heart broken at one point or another in their life, whether it’s from a bad breakup with a significant other or maybe just unrequited love. We all know that feeling of latching onto that one lingering item or memory with the thought of getting back together. The Broken Hearts Gallery is a romantic comedy that takes that feeling and channels it into something productive and freeing. Led by a hilariously brilliant performance from Geraldine Viswanathan, The Broken Hearts Gallery is a much needed feel-good film of 2020.

Lucy (Viswanathan) has one of the worst nights of her life when she is simultaneously fired and dumped by her boyfriend in one embarrassing incident at the gallery she used to work at. Breakups have never been good for her, as her bedroom acts more like a shrine to past relationships with little trinkets and items from each one of them decorating every corner and wall. Determined to move past her ex, she decides to create an art installation of her own; The Broken Hearts Gallery, with the help of her non-Uber driver Nick (Dacre Montgomery) from the other night who is struggling to build his hotel. Together, they let people bring in items they’ve been holding onto from past relationships that have been keeping them from letting go and put them on display for the world to see that everyone has their own baggage. Of course in helping others mend their past relationships, Lucy and Nick start to develop a new one of their own.

Geraldine Viswanathan is the heart of The Broken Hearts Gallery. She is absolutely hilarious with a bubbly and carefree attitude that you almost forget that she goes through a breakup at the beginning of the movie. Even in her down moments she’s able to deliver a joke and make you laugh. Best of all you always feel like you’re seeing her true self. There’s nothing fake about her. It’s great too, because Viswanathan absolutely carries the film.

I’ll be honest and say that The Broken Hearts Gallery is your standard, run-of-the-mill story where two people randomly come together, become friends, and then fall in love, complete with your stereotypical breakup mid film. There’s nothing new there, and it’s actually a bit long winded towards the end with the whole “getting back together with exes” theme. Thankfully it’s Viswanathan and Montgomery’s chemistry that keeps you watching and wanting more. They’re just wonderful together. And sometimes familiar can be good too.

Like your favorite meal, The Broken Hearts Gallery delivers something warm and feel-good. There’s nothing surprising about it, but it will leave you satisfied and smiling. Sometimes that’s all you need.

  • The Broken Hearts Gallery


I think it’s safe to say that everyone has had their heart broken at one point or another in their life, whether it’s from a bad breakup with a significant other or maybe just unrequited love. We all know that feeling of latching onto that one lingering item or memory with the thought of getting back together. The Broken Hearts Gallery is a romantic comedy that takes that feeling and channels it into something productive and freeing. Led by a hilariously brilliant performance from Geraldine Viswanathan, The Broken Hearts Gallery is a much needed feel-good film of 2020.

About the author

Matt Rodriguez

Owner and Chief Editor of Shakefire.

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