Ti West’s ‘X’ Prequel ‘Pearl’ Gets First Trailer

Written by Matt Rodriguez

The upcoming slasher horror film Pearl has received its first trailer. Directed by Ti West, the film acts as a prequel to X, which was released earlier this year, and secretly shot back-t0-back with the film. Mia Goth returns as Pearl, and the film will expand on how she became the murderous old woman who was obsessed with beauty.

In our review of X, Shakefire called it a “sexy slasher thriller,” and Pearl looks to be more of the same based on the trailer. Pearl, portrayed by Mia Goth, dreams of becoming a huge star so she can leave her small farm house and ailing family for which she cares for. Clearly her dreams get shattered, seeing how in X Pearl still lives in the same house all those years later.

Pearl is scheduled for release in theaters on September 16, 2022.

About the author

Matt Rodriguez

Owner and Chief Editor of Shakefire.