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By Lee Roberts

WB & DC Being Honorable Spidey Turning 50 and Character of Week 30



It's been a week since the senseless and tragic shooting at Colorado happened at the opening of The Dark Knight Rises. With all that the tragedy has brought to those families, WB and DC have tried to help out by making some changes to their Batman line-ups. Which I think is a good thing they are doing and hope they will do more.
Right after the shooting happened all promotional ads being aired on television were quickly pulled for the Dark Knight Rises. So if you've been wondering why you haven't been seeing any promos being done on your TV set for a movie that has been one of the most talked about movies in a long while, it's because there are none being shown. Along with that the box office numbers were held before being told what the weekend release was, this included all box office numbers.

Also among the changes being done is one that's not really a change but rather a hold. DC has put a hold on the release of the comic book title Batman Incorporated #3 from being released this past Wednesday July 25 to being released next month. Now if you're reading this were you're thinking that it don't matter cause you already have your issue of this title, well that might be true. There was a release put out requesting that retailers hold on to their copies of Batman Incorporated #3 for a month before putting them on sale. So it's not like the book is being changed where somehow a few made it out on the market. What you have in your hand or stack or wherever that copy is, it's the same exact one that will be released next month; this title has nothing wrong/changed or anything else with it that's making it be worth more. Now if you are one of the people that did get a copy or you see it on ebay where they are going from $1 to $100 with regular covers to the variants. My thoughts are that this hold has a purpose, there's no change to the comic, so why would someone want to spend up to $100 for a title that will come out in a month? Just wait, you will get the same comic, including the variant covers, they will be there, actually they're already there at the shop, they're just waiting for the official go ahead.


Not only that but Christian Bale went to visit the victims to show his own support and sympathies. This was very cool of the actor but what's even cooler is that WB is going to give a "substantial” amount of money from what the Dark Knight Rises earned to help the victims, survivors, and families of the Colorado shooting. They won’t release the exact amount, and I think that’s the right thing to do, but it’s a very honorable action that they have done this for these families and people who have suffered during a moment when they should have been having thrills from watching the movie.

Though one of the changes that will take the most effect is with the upcoming new animation "Beware The Batman". What is being done is WB wants to have all the guns that will be shown in the animation to look more science fiction and fake rather than looking real. Doing this will cost the company some money but I think it's a wise choice for them to do. It will also delay the release of the show, which I don't think really matters that much considering we still had a long enough wait anyways before it was supposed to come out.

Some more news, this one concerning Marvel, where they have canceled the upcoming title "Thanos: Son of Titan". This limited series was going to tell the tale of Thanos' beginning when he was younger. I was looking forward to this title, Thanos is a character who has god-like powers, even when he's not toting the infinity gauntlet he's near unbeatable, and he's in love with Death. Learning how he got to where he is now, why he's one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel U, and just getting another Thanos title was an appealing idea. I'm not sure what's all going on, I only know what I've read so far and what it looks like is the title was canceled due to a possible law suit. It's sad that these things happen because what could have been a good book is now no longer going to be available. I don't know the details and probably never will, not that it matters in the long run, what does matter is that the book won't be published.

I've been looking forward to the month of August for 2 reasons. One is Star Wars Celebration 6 in Orlando, FL that I no longer get to go to but lucky enough (rare occurrence that is) my best friend is going and will get my autographs of Palpatine and Luke Skywalker. However, the second reason why I'm excited about August is that it's going to be the celebration of Spider-Man turning 50 years old.
I've talked some in earlier months about his 50th anniversary but now it's nearly upon us and I'm excited. There should be lots in store for us Spidey fans and one story I'm looking forward to be going to come out in The Amazing Spider-Man #692. Believe it or not the story that I'm already most looking forward to reading is going to be a back up story in that issue by writer Joshua Hale Fialkov.
From what I've read about this upcoming story, it will be a short story that is about Spider-Man being Spider-Man. No super villains, no evil plot by some new villain, the world is not coming to an end, and he's not having to battle aliens alongside the Avengers. What this story will focus on is Peter Parker in his daily routine where he deals with his every day life when everything is normal (at least normal for a guy who can climb on walls).

I'm excited for this story because what made me like Spidey so much from the first time I started reading him to today are the stories that focus on Peter Parker trying to cope with having a normal life while also having to become Spider-Man. But not because he has to fight some evil villain but because he sees a building on fire or runs into someone that's had a rough life but is a good person who is about to do something stupid and Peter Parker stops his life to become Spidey to help out. This is what the back up story in The Amazing Spider-Man #692 is going to be about, Spidey being Spidey and I can't wait.

Snake Eyes

He was originally going to be character number 33 because 33 is my favorite number and ninja's are one of my favorite characters/people but I'm saving number 33 for another character. For number 30 it's going to be the ninja from GI Joe, the man who don't talk, and wears a car grill as goggles, Snake Eyes.
All I can say about this character, since he don't talk he don't have any cool one-liners, is that he's one tough ninja. He looks cool, as ninjas typically do, and he's always using swords, which ninjas should.