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By Lee Roberts

I Talk Spider-Man 698

Has anyone read Amazing Spider-Man #698? If not then...
I'll say it again, spoilers, those things that give away the vital information about something, that's what I'll be giving about Amazing Spider-Man #698. So, if you have not read it then just don't read this because it gives away what has to be the most surprising twist I've seen in a comic in awhile (given one main reason that I will explain after this just in case you are skipping I don't want even that to give away anything).
And if you're wondering why I am making sure you know there are SPOILERS being given, it's because if you have a mail order subscription to the title (like me) you might not have recieved it in the mail. I still haven't gotten mine, I know what happens in the issue because being the fanboy I am of Spider-Man and a collecter I bought the issue when it hit the shelves last week so I can have a spare copy as well as the varient issue as well.
Alright, that's it no more warnings, time to talk some Spidey.

I said that what happened in the end of Amazing Spider-Man #698 was one of the most surprising twist in a comic that I’ve seen in awhile but truth be told is that it’s not a new story plot. I’m guessing you’ve read the issue because you’re still reading this or you could be someone that just wants to get to the end before you read the beginning, either or don’t matter, what does is that Peter Parker is now in the body of Doc Ock and Ock is in Peter’s body.
Yeah, I know nothing new for comics, they’ve used the body switches a lot, but here’s the big difference, Amazing Spider-Man ends with issue #700. There’s other factors that make this body switch big, it’s been said that with the new title Superior Spider-Man…wait, this is another SPOILER for that title that you might not know about so again.

So here’s the news, it’s bad news, no scratch that, it’s the worst news I know of for Spider-Man, bad enough that I’m beyond upset, I’m now debating if I will continue reading Spider-Man because of this. With the end of Amazing Spider-Man with issue #700 there’s the new title Superior Spider-Man that’s supposed to be a darker Spidey, and no that’s not the part I don’t like. Spider-Man won’t be Peter Parker. That’s what I hate already. I said it with Ultimate Spider-Man and though yes I’m still reading it I still don’t like it that much. Right now that title has become one of those titles that I like but if I need to cut it out of my reading I can do so with no problems. Which is a sad day for me considering Spider-Man is the reason I read comics.

So with a different person being Spider-Man I just don’t know. I’ll get it, I’ll read it, and I’ll find out what happens because I only know that it’s not Peter under the mask, beyond that I just don’t know. I’m still trying to stay away from spoilers myself so getting that news was too much for me anyways.
But back on topic, with Peter and Ock switching bodies, with Ock/Peter supposedly dying in the end of that issue, only 2 issues left of the series, and the news of Peter not being Spider-Man makes this any other time body-switch become huge. I mean really big deal in comics huge. Which is why issue #700 is already predicted to sale up to a million dollars worth, I know I’m getting most of the variants, and considering it’s $7.99 for regular covers and variants will range from $10 to hundreds, well it’s going to be a expensive month in December.

Amazing Spider-Man #699
Release Date December 5, 2012
Cover Price $3.99
Writer: Dan Slott
Art: Richard Elson
Plot: We find out what happens after Amazing Spider-Man #698 and if you didn’t read that issue read it cause I said what I needed to up above.


Before Watchmen Ozymandias #4
Release Date November 28, 2012
Cover Price $3.99
Writers Len Wein and John Higgins
Art: John Higgins
Plot: Things are coming to an end so that might mean it’s time to clean up some loose ends.