>> Superior Spazerman...I mean Spiderman Makes His Official Debut While Luke and Leia Still Fight the Empire

Superior Spazerman...I mean Spiderman Makes His Official Debut While Luke and Leia Still Fight the Empire

Well, the new Spider-Man has made his official debut in Superior Spider-Man. Was it what I thought it was going to be? Yep, it was still annoying and a slap in the face as a fan of the one and true Spider-Man fan. I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it (though the comic itself has been spoiled rotten already) there’s a possible loophole at the end of it on the last page. I watched the Marvel AR video where Dan Slott gives a few tidbits of info about the future of Peter Parker, Spider-Man, and who will be him and I got to say I don’t believe it. This is one of those times that I want the comics to do the expected when it comes to killing off the characters.

What else is happening in the comic world? Something I never seen before, a petition to have the comic canceled by the writer of the comic. That’s right, the writer of the comic Avengers Arena, Dennis Hopeless, has put out a petition for Marvel to cancel the title. You can read how he feels right here, www.change.org/petitions/the-cancellation-of-avengers-arena-by-dennis-hopeless-cancel-avengers-arena-and-retcon-the-deaths-that-have-happened but the quick jest of it is, he don’t like the idea of killing of characters for the sake of sells even when they are ones you don’t know. This is one idea I can get behind because it’s always annoyed me when a character is killed for no apparent reason. Which I suppose most deaths are, but there are some that happen you can tell where done to bring up the sales instead of what is usually said, to allow new stories and growth to be given to the character and book. Not that I read Avengers Arena, I actually have thought about it because it has the Avengers name on it but this does seem like a book that’s being used for sales.

Last little note, Star Wars has begun. Issue #1 came out this week and I was most impressed with it. In fact one of the flight suits that Leia wears in it would make a very cool statue/action figure. As for the story, it is setting up the characters, though Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie need no set up, it’s more of a lets show you what these guys where doing between movies. I hope this ongoing will stay ongoing for awhile while keeping the same cover price.


Daredevil #22
Release Date January 16, 2013
Written by: Mark Waid
Art by: Chris Samnee and Paolo Rivera
Cover Price: $2.99
Plot: DD teams up with the new Superior Spider-Man to fight Stilt Man (what?).
The reason I’m putting this as the upcoming book is because I’m wanting to see what DD will do when meeting the new Doc Ock Spider-Man or as a friend told me Spock. Being able to detect a lie from the sound of a persons heartbeat, I would assume that Ock would have the same happen when saying he’s Spider-Man. He knows he’s not, even though he is in the body, he still is trying to convince himself, which means he’s still lying, because it is a lie, so I would assume that DD would hear the change of heartbeat and know he was lying. But considering this whole travesty has just started I doubt that Marvel will be having a character picking up on the lie that is now Spider-Man.

Star Wars #1
Written by: Brian Wood
Art by: Carlos d’Anda and Alex Ross
Release Date: January 9, 2013
Cover Price: $2.99
Plot: The Rebels have struck a major blow to the Empire when they destroyed the Death Star but their battle is far from over. Still needing a permanent base of operations, Luke and Leia go to the outer rims to find a suitable planet but Sith Lord Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine are still on the hunt for the death of the Rebels.




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