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Lee Roberts's picture
By Lee Roberts

Batman Is Zero Wolverine Has Origins Deadpool VS and Other SDCC Stuff

As I write this blog it's only Saturday July 20 and San Diego Comic-Con is still going on. I'm making this weeks blog all about the news I'm trying to keep up with as it's being released from all over the web coming out of SDCC.
It's a lot of good news being released though I wish I was there to hear it first hand but at least we have the net to keep us lacking the means to be there informed. So let me begin.

Zero Year was talked about by Scott Snyder where issue #24 will be 50 pages and will feature Batman with a new costume. Let me first talk about that bit of news before going on into the rest of it. So Scott Snyder is going to be giving Batman a new costume, is that supposed to be a shock or surprise? I'm sure they are making it out to be and I'm sure the fans at the con was all ooohhhsss and aaaahhhsss but give it a little thought. Over the years, the many years, Batman has had many different costumes. There's the blue and gray with the small ears and yellow bat symbol on chest in the circle, same style but with tall pointy ears, gray and black bat symbol that's only a bat, black custome with black bat that's been small, big, wide, and a combo, and the different sizes in the ears have always been changing.

For Batman his suit is part of his arsenal of weapons/tools opposed to other heroes like Superman, Spider-Man, Wonder Wonder and so on. He is not wearing the suit just for the image it gives but because it is used to protect him and to help him. It's something I expect to change on a continuing basis because the fight on crime is always different so Batman will always have to adapt, in which case means his suit will have to be adapted. He's the one character I expect to actually have a different look and change his costume to keep himself safe. I'm sure Scott Snyder has thought that this so if he is changing the costume I have to wonder how? Batman is Batman because he uses the look of the bat to strike fear in criminals so that has to stay to the same so beyond that I don't see how a change of costume is really big news.

Now on to the other parts of news for Bats is that there will be repercussions from “Death Of Family” that left the Bat family broken and distrusting each other. I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes. The Riddler, Two-Face and Hush will be making their appearances as well, which I'm back and forth on Two-Face and Hush but I do like the idea of the Riddler actually being someone that's smart enough to be a threat. The Batmobile will also get it's make over but again, this is something that changes just as much as the suit but it's always cool to see the new look.

This is one of those comics that you love to read but also kind of takes away from what made you love the character in the first place. From the moment Wolverine entered the comic world he was the most mysterious characters ever. No one knew anything about him other than he was short, hairy, had the claws that go snikt, and he is always in a bad mood. Over the years we got more questions as to who he is but no real answers of his past, only the present. Which for a man who is basically immortal having his past be known could be a long story. Then back 2006 a series came out called Origins that told, guess it, the origins of Wolverine. James Howlett was born into the world of comics and for the first time we learned that Logan/Wolverine/Patch was really James.

That was huge when it came to the character and with knowing that we went from a guy who we only guessed at his past to a guy who we now know his past. At least a small bit of it. Coming out in November Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert will be bringing out the sequel to Origins with Origins II. This will be a further telling of Wolverine or I should say James Howletts' origin. In the first series he ended up killing the girl he loved then swearing off humanity because of it. From what I've read, this sequel will pick up not too long after where he has to deal with a lot of things like his healing factor while also allowing feelings back in his life after living with the wolves. I think this might be a really fun story to read but like I said, not knowing his past has been a great appeal for the character but once I know it, sure it's fun but now what?

Ok I don't know anything about this but I'm already pretty stoked by the idea. All I saw was this pic that I found on twitter and it's one story I think will be very interesting. Deadpool can't be killed, he can take any damage and he keeps coming back. Add in that he's completely wacko and loves to kill and pit him against someone who (aside from the unkillable part) is also just as crazy and in love with killing as Carnage and that that gives us a story that can lead to trouble.

The comics aren't the only news to be told at SDCC. Movies are getting their fair share of teases being dealt out. Avengers 2 is had it's title release, Avengers: Age of Ultron, the sequel to Man of Steel is going to be Batman/Superman, Black Canary is cast for Arrow, Ultimate Spider-Man gets a season 3, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reveals some spoilers, season 4 of the Walking Dead has its trailer shown, and the Guardians of the Galaxy has some concept art shown.

Guardians of the Galaxy #5

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Release Date: July 31, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
Written by: Brain Michael Bendis and Neil Gaiman
Drawn by: Sara Pichelli
Plot: This is the issue everyone that read Age of Ultron is waiting for. Angela makes her appearance in this issue and I tell you now, if you want it be at the shop early on the day it's released or you will have a hard time finding it at cover price.

Batman Incorporated #13
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: July 31, 2013
Cover Price: $2.99
Written by: Grant Morrison
Drawn by: Chris Burnham
Plot: It's the last issue.