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By Lee Roberts

The Return of Ocks Arms More Info on Walker Stalker Con and the Walking Dead

Not sure what is going on over at Marvel but I'm fed up with all the stories of Doc Ock so when I heard that they are bringing him back, well, lets say my already little joy was brought to a lower level. Coming up in a story that will cross over into the 3 titles, Superior Spider-Man Team Up Special #1, All New X-Men Special #1, and Indestructible Hulk Special #1 called “The Arms of the Octopus”. It comes out this October where the arms, and what looks to be the old, chubby, big glasses version of Doc Ock on the loose again but exactly how is he?

With the title being “The Arms of the Octopus” I'm going to guess his arms are going to be out hunting for him but that don't explain the covers that show a Doc Ock. With all this destroyed time line thing going on in the Marvel Universe right now it's possible that they have brought a past version of Doc Ock to the present. Right now all I care about is getting to the point of bringing back Peter Parker but I doubt that this is going to be the that point.

The Walking Dead has become so popular that after 4 seasons the show is getting a spin off. It's a risky move for AMC to take going on past spin off shows but this is the Walking Dead so I have high hopes for it. In a statement released by AMC, Robert Kirkman made this statement.
Robert Kirkman:
“After 10 years of writing the comic book series and being so close to the debut of our fourth, and in my opinion, best season of the TV series, I couldn’t be more thrilled about getting the chance to create a new corner of The Walking Dead universe. The opportunity to make a show that isn’t tethered by the events of the comic book, and is truly a blank page, has set my creativity racing.”
With this spin off being set during the regular continuity but with a new cast that tells a different story, I have high hopes for it. There's so much that can be done with the show and so many different story lines, anything's possible. That's one of the advantages that Kirkman has with his series because with having zombies everywhere, other survivors, and at some point a possible meeting of the two groups, this spin off can be just as good as the original.
While I'm still on the topic of the Walking Dead, the show will be getting a new cast member. Christian Seratos will be playing the role of Rosita Espinosa. This character has become well liked in the comic and now she will make her appearance on the show. With hear appearance on the show that means there's a possibility of the Hunters coming along. Readers of the comic will be pretty excited about this news, for the ones just watching the show, well it's exciting news.

If you missed my blog last week I talked about the Walker Stalker Con that will be happening in downtown Atlanta, GA November 1-3. I'm looking forward to this con with all the guests that's going to be there, especially all the Walking Dead guests. In my blog last week I just gave some information like the location and some of the main guests that's going to be there, but here's a bit more information for those that are looking for autographs.

Scott Wilson (plays Hershel)

Appearing on Saturday and Sunday
Autographs are $40
Photos are $40
You can buy advanced tickets for autographs and photos here http://www.walkerstalkercon.com/tickets/

Lauren Cohan (plays Maggie)

Appearing Saturday November 2 only
Autographs are $30
Professional Photos are $40
And if you have a VIP Badge she will be at the Saturday Night Meet and Greet

Though there are other types of goodies this con will have. Such as if you have a room at the Westin Peachtree Center (that's the host hotel) for a 2 night stay then you will get a special Friday night meet and greet. This is only for the people with a 2 night room stay at the Westin Peachtree Center and will start at 8PM at the Hotel.

If you are like me and didn't a get a room at the Westin Peachtree Center but you still want to go to a meet and greet. Well, if you get the VIP badge then you will get the chance to go to the Saturday night meet and greet from 7PM-8PM. DON'T as for AUTOGRAPHS OR PHOTOS because that's done elsewhere during the con and this is a time to just do what the title says, MEET & GREET the guests. So if you have a question, know a friend that's been bugging you with a question then now is the time to ask it and you might be able to finally prove that you're right, or if you just want to say hi to you're favorite celebrity there you can. But you have to have the VIP badge for this.

If you don't have the VIP badge but you still want to do something Saturday night then you still can. There's going to be a Zombie Bash Party at 9:30, so if you want to go as a zombie or a certain sheriff, then dress up and head out to the bash. But please, don't take this as a time to bash zombies on the head.