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Matt Rodriguez's picture
By Matt Rodriguez

Hooray! Scrubs is Back

Last night was the season premiere of Scrubs after a long hiatus. You may be wondering, "I thought the previous season was the last?" Well, it was supposed to be but ABC has picked up the show for at least one more season. Many of the cast have stated that this will be their last season so this will probably be the last "real" one.

With the move from NBC to ABC, I was a bit worried that the show would change. I've been a huge fan ever since season 1 so I was excited to know that it would continue and hoped that it would retain what made it great. I'm pleased to say that I still love the show.

Aziz Ansari stars as Ed, a new intern, and I gotta say, he is a good addition to the cast. The first episode does a great job at introducing all the new interns as well as the new Chief of Medicine, Dr. Maddox, played by Courtney Cox. All the usual humor is there. I love J.D. and his bromantic relationship with Turk in the first two episodes. Like AJ said in his preview, Bill Lawrence is taking a more serious tone with some of the episodes. "My Last Words" reminds me a lot of "My Old Lady" from the first season. Both have someone who is dying and how they impact JD. It's a good episode despite being rather sad.


  • The new interns
  • Same old Scrubs
  • Steak Night!


  • JD's ugly beard
  • You can't fire the Janitor
  • New Chief of Medicine, Dr. Maddox

I'm very excited about this season and I hope it's a good one. Will we ever find out the Janitor's name? We were teased in the first episode so I would imagine that by the end of it all, we shall finally know. I can't wait until next week's episode.
