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Peter Oberth's picture
By Peter Oberth

MySpace sucks, Facebook sucks more. Twitter blows...so I joined 'em all

So, I am young.  I work in the entertainment industry on what I like to think is a fairly cutting edge website skewed mainly toward the younger generations.  Yet everytime a new fad comes along online, I resist the temptation to join.  I resisted MySpace for a long time (now I am on it, though I have all but forgotten it - http://www.myspace.com/shakefirepeter).  I wasn't even responsible for getting Shakefire on there.  No, that was a fan led movement (http://www.myspace.com/shakefire) and I'm not all that great about updating that either.

Then came Facebook.  I resisted that, well, forever.  Apparently, I did join up at some point a few years ago, filled out nothing, most likely just to stalk other people. 

Now comes Twitter.  Twitter, of course, has been around for quite some time now.  I resisted it.  I thought, what the hell would I want to tell other people about the mundane details of my life for and, more importantly, why would they care?  And, if they did care, are those the type of people that I would really WANT knowing about my every movement?  But, as always, I caved and followed the herd and, big surprise, it's addicting as hell (although I don't update all that much - http://www.twitter.com/peteroberth).  What's my point?  I don't really have one but I thought I would waste your time with a little more than 140 characters.  And, to flesh this little rambling out.  Here is my first ever Follow Friday, and most likely my only because I've already stopped caring:

-Pandora (@SFPandora) - She will yell at me for this, but she is pretty damn amusing.
-Matt Rodriguez (@Majiesto) - Matt's a quirky fucker.  We work him to the bone so follow.  Aside from that, he throws updates and secrets at you of what we have him working on before you hear it from us.
-AJ Garcia (@br0kenmachine) - For those of you in Charlotte, you may have met him at screenings as he doubles as a rep there as well.  Follow him...now.
-Jeremy Hunt (@jehuthehunt) - You know Jeremy.  He's Jeremy.  He writes a crapload for us too, at least 5 items a week.  If you like his writing, you will likely like his micro-blog.
-Sheree Cobernus (@shereekachu) - She writes for us from time to time.  Big Twilight fan.  Big True Blood fan.  So, if you like vampires, follow her, she doesn't bite.
-Lee Roberts (@green_ninja_mac) - Lee is also in North Carolina.  You may have seen him.  If you are in New York, you probably didn't see him and you are just hallucinating.  See a doctor.
-Chris Luu (@nuudles) - Nuudles.  A long SF message board poster.  He has written for us a little but you will start to see him more in the near future as he starts tackling New York City for us.
-Luke Mullen (@ldmullen) - Luke's in Texas.  Why am I telling you that?  No reason, but he has written a few book reviews for us and he's a fun one to follow.  Everyone loves Luke.
-Michelle St. James (@michstjame) - She is new.  As in TODAY new so there isn't much I can say other than she is from Boston.  Welcome to the team!
-Peter Oberth (@peteroberth) - That's me.  Don't follow me.  I warned you.

Why should you follow these people?  Why not?  Plus, who knows, in the future, we may give them all stuff to give away randomly, you like free stuff don't you?

And, outside of Shakefire, here are a few other fun ones to follow:

-Jason Ellis (@Jellismate) - Jason Ellis of the Jason Ellis Show on Sirius Radio's Faction 28.  Follow him or he will punch you in the face.
-Kevin Smith (@ThatKevinSmith) - One of the best comedic directors in the biz, and I'm not just saying that because he let me poop on his chest.  There are some poseurs but this is THAT Kevin Smith, of Clerks, Dogma and Ben Affleck fame.  Follow him to get the latest as he works on the Bruce Willis comedy 'A Couple of Dicks'.
-Kyle Bonnici (@KyleBonnici) - If only to scour his messages for his karaoke-ish version of The Black Eyed Peas.  Plus, his 'WTF's of the day" are usually pretty hilarious.
-Jo Koy (@JoKoy) - Dude's a very underrated comedian.  Follow him for some laughs.
-Latino Review (@LatinoReview) - Sure, it's a competing site but we all love eachother
-Jo Blo (@joblocom) - Another, sort of, competing site.  Funny tweets, entertaining as hell...if hell were entertaining.

That's my Follow Friday, yeah I posted this on a Thursday but it's also more than 140 characters so I don't really care.  Plus, my focus is pretty bad so I'm pretty sure I'd forget what I was doing by the time Friday Pizza Hut sounds good, I'm getting a drink.