>> End of the World: 2012 Apocalyptic Prophecies and Inexplicable Phenomena

Entry Deadline: February 7, 2011

Title: End of the World: 2012 Apocalyptic Prophecies and Inexplicable Phenomena

Genre: Documentary

Studio: Mill Creek

Runtime: 2249 Minutes

Release Date: January 18, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 9

Grand Prize

-DVD Set-

>See Prizing<

 Learn the truth behind the 2012 phenomenon that has exploded across popular literature, the internet, television, and now film. As the date itself has its base in an ancient calendar of the Mayan people of Central America, this comprehensive documentary collection explores the many theories, occurrences and questions across many of the puzzling topics including:

2012 Mayan Prophecy
Order of the Alchemists
Alien Encounters
History Conspiracy
Government Experiments
Crop Circles
Occult Magick
...and much more!

Were Nostradamus's 2012 predictions correct? Did the ancient Mayans have knowledge that modern science has yet to prove? Is the Government conducting experiments and covering it up? Are UFO sightings on the rise? Why have crop circles never been explained?

These lingering questions get explored in great detail with in-depth interviews with the nation's leading experts on inexplicable phenomena and apocalyptic prophecies.



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