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Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics, 5th Edition by Michael Rabiger & Mick Hurbis-Cherrier

This comprehensive manual has inspired tens of thousands of readers worldwide to realize their artistic vision and produce well-constructed films. Filled with practical advice on every stage of production, this is the book you will return to throughout your career.... Read more

FilmCraft: Producing by Geoffrey Macnab & Sharon Swart

Responsible for hiring all members of cast and crew from the director onwards, the producer’s role is central to the making of any film and responsibilities can include everything from script development to securing financing to masterminding a film’s marketing campaign.... Read more

Supernatural:The Official Companion Season 4

The Season 4 companion takes a closer look at 10 of the 22 episodes from Season 4, explores numerous characters, introduces you to some of the cast and much more.  ... Read more

How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World

Jordan Christy’s latest book is like getting both helpful and ridiculous advice from a big sister, who has apparently been there and done that. Despite of the title, I would not seriously consider this as a self-help book.... Read more

Guinness World Records 2009: Gamer's Edition

The Guinness Book of World Records was a book I grew up loving.  I'd always want the latest edition, though I would normally get one after it had been out for several years because of "budget reasons".  Guiness has expanded their universe into special editions, like this "Gamer's Edition", cumula... Read more