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East Of Eli: Nothing Ordinary

From major films to classic independent projects, Nathan West’s career has highlighted his strengths as an actor and producer. With roles in such films as, Disney’s, Miracle and the award winning independent feature, Alleged, he not only proved his strength as an actor but his eye for culture.... Read more

Verskotzi: Lemon Heart

It's a good thing that this review only requires me to write it instead of having to speak it because if I had to pronounce the name of the group then I would end up failing.... Read more

Blowsight: Life & Death

I've heard and read reviews where people have described a band as being a roller coaster of a ride but it's one I don't use often. After listening to the album, “Life & Death” by the band Blowsight I have come to the conclusion that I would have to call it a roller coaster ride.... Read more

Zee Avi: Zee Avi's Nightlight

Zee Avi is a Malaysian singer/songwriter, guitarist, ukulele player and visual artist. She was the winner of the International Youth Icon Award in 2011 in her birth home Sarawak, which lead to inspirational speaking engagements to young people around the world.... Read more
