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Haunted Collector

Do you have ghosts in your house giving you a hard time or just scaring the jeepers out of you? If so there’s a chance that the spirit is not really in your house but possibly in an object that was at one time connected to the spirit in life.... Read more

Bubble Guppies

The animation here is quite nice providing a wide array of bright beautiful colors, a lot of imagination as the setting is under water but the locations mirror above water landscapes, and while the show does attempt to get your kids to interact with the characters it doesn’t over do it.... Read more

Heaven's Lost Property: Forte

Back when Heaven’s Lost Property Season One came out I took it upon myself to watch the first few episodes over at Funimation.com, just in case I ended up being assigned to it. Even though I’m not a big fan of the harem anime genre the first few episodes of the first season had me rolling.... Read more

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

Awhile back I started watching Full Metal Alchemist with one of my daughters. It was an interesting anime but we never finished it.... Read more

Legend Of The Legendary Heroes

The Legend of the Legendary Heroes is derived from the Light Novel series by Takaya Kagami which centers on Ryner Lute.... Read more

Alien Tornado

I never go into a Syfy made for TV movie expecting to have my socks knocked off. These films are B movie, if that, and while they usually don’t strive for blockbuster entertainment they do manage to keep you at least mostly entertained.... Read more


“Ghoul” stars Nolan Gould of the popular comedy “The Modern Family”.  He plays Timmy Graco who lives in a town plagued by a ghoul that lives in the old mines of his town.  The ghoul has been terrorizing their town with disappearances since a major mine accident that happened years before Timm... Read more

Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings 2

In Season One of Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings, the clans of several Japanese warlords were forced to come together under one banner to stop a mad man known as the Demon King who wanted to conquer all of Japan for himself.... Read more

Todd and the Book of Pure Evil

