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Zachary Quinto (American Horror Story: Asylum)

Zachary Quinto: The Interview (American Horror Story: Asylum)
Interesting Tidbits

Zachary Quinto is the only person in history to appear on the cover of "Entertainment Weekly" 2 weeks in a row.

 Zachary Quinto has played numerous unique roles throughout his acting career. His most notable characters were Syler from the hit TV show “Heroes” or as Spock from the reboot movie of the “Star Trek” franchise. He is a very talented actor that takes his job seriously and always chooses to embody the characters he portrays. In his latest role, Zach is playing Dr. Oliver Thredson on the popular show “American Horror Story: Asylym.”The show can be seen on the FX network every Wednesday at 10pm. Shakefire had the chance to catch up with Zach and talk about his new show.

Shakefire: Hi Zach!

Zachary Quinto: Hello Paul! How are you today?

SF: I’m doing great thanks. Let me start off by saying that I am a huge fan of the show and your work.

ZQ: Thank you very much. I appreciate that a lot.


SF: My first question is being involved with Season 1 of American Horror Story; did Brad Falchuk and the writers allow you to provide input into your new character in Season 2?

ZQ: Yes, I had a few conversations with Ryan Murphy and Brad before we started this season. Ryan and I had a couple of connections about what he was thinking and I had some questions and I had a chance to contribute to what I would like to see. However, once they got going, it’s like their engines just drive them and all of us forward in such surprising and unexpected ways. So the vast majority of that comes from them and actually bring it to life. That’s how I see it.


SF: I had a question about approaching Season 2, as more of a threat, as opposed to Season 1, where you’re playing the victim. Was there any kind of difference there? Did you go into a different method from one season to the next?

ZQ: Yes, I mean there are different styles. I feel like the story last year was just told in a different style. This year is a period piece and there are other considerations that go along with that, just in terms of characterization I think. I don’t know how much it has to do with like being the antagonist in a lair, the sort of threat this year myself rather than the victim. I mean, that’s all just circumstantial.

There are still a lot of psychological manipulations going on from one end that makes it a little bit more veiled, or always holding something back this year. But that’s just all fun. I don’t really think of it in terms of—I just think of it in terms of who’s the person, what’s driving the person. Obviously, those motivations are very different for “Chad” than they are for “Thredson.”


SF: I know the past couple of episodes have revealed a lot about Dr. Thredson, but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone that hasn’t watched the current episodes yet. Did you know about his secrets from the beginning? If not, when did you know and did this information influence your performance at all?

ZQ: Yes, I knew from the very beginning. It was part of the conversation that I had with Ryan about me coming back to the second installment of the show in the first place. It very much informed the character that I was building from the beginning.

As a result, I felt like my responsibility became to create a character that people could trust, or at least trust initially, and have some hope that perhaps he is actually the one voice of reason and sanity within this chaotic world. So it was actually more exciting for me to know from the beginning. It gave me more to play with and more to hold back and more secrets to keep.


SF: I remember the scene when you had to do the aversion therapy to try and change her. What were your thoughts on that scene and whole idea that people can change that easily?

ZQ: I mean I think the scene was very reflective of a pervasive mentality of the time. As unsettling as it is, I think it was powerful to revisit it and to present an audience with a reflection of that kind of really abhorrent thinking. Obviously, we’ve come a long ways since then and that’s great. There’s so much progress made and more work to do.

So I think it’s always good when you’re able to, as an actor, allow your work to be some kind of a conduit for a social discourse. I think an examination of where we are as a society and I think this season of the show, this iteration of … installment, I believe we call them. This installment of the show is really doing that in a lot of powerful ways, that being one of many. So another reason why I’m grateful to be a part of this kind of storytelling and this kind of environment


SF: I know you’ve played some very different and unique characters. For instance, for Sylar from “Heroes,”there was a lot more to Sylar than meets the eye. You also played an iconic Spock on “Star Trek” and now you’re playing a psychiatrist. What was your favorite role and most fun to play?

ZQ: That’s a good question. I mean, I feel like each one of those experiences were so profound and unique and my last side of six years has been just full of growth and creative fulfillment. I don’t know. It’s hard to sort of narrow it down one, but my favorite, I feel like they are accumulative in a lot of ways. As far as the T.V. aspect of it goes, I would say that I feel more settled as I’m getting older and sort of like my experience of things feels kind of more complete.

So Dr. Thredson has been very satisfying to me in that regard. I just feel like I’ve been carrying more of my experience with me into my work and as I get older, that deepens naturally. So that’s kind of cool, but I just like to do good work, or try to do good work with good people and I’ve been really so lucky in that regard. As long as I continue, that’s all I could ask really.


SF: Out of curiosity, what TV shows are you watching right now?

ZQ: Quite a bit actually! I’ve been watching Homeland pretty religiously. I’m a pretty giant fan of that show. I mean, it’s really compelling and so well executed, so I like Homeland. It’s hard to have time to, but the good news is that it’s so much good television. It’s like I’m so excited for House of Cards to come onto Netflix.

On February 1st, all of those episodes are being released at the same time. I guess the whole season on T.V. and created and given to an audience. It’s the way in which we’re watching programming is so interesting to me. So, yes, I like to watch Homeland like on demand, if I miss it on a Sunday night or something.

What else? I’ve been known to watch an episode or two of The Voice, I will say that. I think it’s, of that kind of programming, I think it’s really innovative and unique and well done. I think the performers, not sure how else to say it, I find there’s an element of authenticity to that show that I really respond to and I very rarely respond to any kind of reality programming. So if I’m going to watch, it has to be people doing something that I could never do and obviously, each one of those singers that holds true for. I’ve watched a couple episodes of that lately.

I’ve watched Boss, which I think is also really great television and I hope more people watch it or can see it. It’s like that stuff is so accessible. So that’s kind of about it. I mean, it ebbs and flows in terms of my availability for it.


SF: Wow! Thanks a lot for talking with us today Zach. I can’t wait to see the future episode of American Horror Story and good luck with the rest of the season!

ZQ: Thank you and I appreciate it. Bye!


Paul Arca
Interview by Paul Arca
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