>> Ray Romano: The Interview (Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas)

Film: Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas

Talent: Ray Romano

Job: Actor (Manny the Mammoth)

Airdate/Time: November 24, 2011 8:20pm

Network: Fox

Official Site

Interesting Tidbits

Ray Romano was classmates with Fran Drescher ("The Nanny") in high school.

Ray Romano is best known for being a comedian and a TV star (“Everybody Loves Raymond” and “Men of a certain Age”). He is also the voice behind Manny the mammoth in all 3 (and soon to be 4) “Ice Age” movies. To bring more holiday cheer to the world, Ray Romano is reprising his role as Manny the mammoth in “Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas,” which will be shown on Thursday, November 24 at 8pm on Fox. Shakefire had the opportunity to talk to Ray Romano.


Shakefire: Hi Ray!

Ray Romano: Good Afternoon.

SF: How did you initially get involved with the “Ice Age” movies?

RR: During the filming of “Everybody loves Raymond,” they approached me with the script. My manager handed me the script to read and they wanted me to meet with the movie’s producers. The director and producers met me on the set during my lunch break and I signed on to the project right then and there.


SF: What did you think of the script when you first read it?

RR: After reading the script, I loved it. After meeting with the director, he pitched the look they were going for with Manny the mammoth. I had seen the director’s cartoon short, that he won an Academy Award for, and I knew it was going to be a quality product and the project was in good hands.


SF: Did you know or think the “Ice Age” movie series would be so successful?

RR: There have been other successful animated movie series around the same time the first “Ice Age” movie was released, but I was not sure how it would fare. It had a great look and a creative feel to it. The movie was also well done and had a good message for everyone. I was happy and surprised it worked out so well.


SF: What is it about Manny the mammoth that people can relate to?

RR: Manny is the every man’s mammoth. He is a big scary figure, but he has a heart and he is a total softy inside. He also has family values and his family and friends are the most important things to him. He will stick up for them no matter what.


SF: Was “Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas” completed at the same time “Ice Age: Continental Drift?”

RR: Yeah. We did both films at the same time. It just made things easier for everyone. In “Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas,” Manny’s daughter is dating now and he has to learn to let go. It’s a good story and I think everyone will enjoy it.


SF: Can you describe a typical day on the set?

RR: It’s a weird process where everything gets done in piecemeal. I get the original script and most of the movies take about 1.5 to 2 years to record. I have to prepare for each line as the director gives me details about what is going on. They try to do 4 hour sessions and I never get to see any of the other voice actors. There are even some instances where I don’t have to record for 1 to 3 months. The script gets storyboarded and rewritten constantly to make sure everything makes sense. It’s a long and crazy process.


SF: What are some of your favorite animated Christmas movies?

RR: You are going to make me feel aged. I would have to say “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” There wasn’t a lot of animation back then. I also liked “The Grinch that stole Christmas.” Those two movie really stood out for me and are very nostalgic. Gosh! I feel old now.


SF: Are there any holiday films you are looking forward to?

RR: Hmm....Let’s see. I’m not much of a Twilight fan. My daughter might be, but I think she is a little bit past that age. My son is definitely into it. “Hugo” by Martin Scorsese looks very interesting. I think I’ll check that movie out.


SF: Wow! Thanks for talking with us today Ray. Hope you have a happy holidays!

RR: Thank you and same to you too.




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