>> Ron Ben-Israel: The Interview (Sweet Genius)

Show: Sweet Genius

Talent: Ron Ben-Israel

Job: Host/Chef

Airdate/Time: September 22, 2011 10:00pm

Network: Food Network

Official Site

Sweet Genius is a sugar-packed competition series that challenges America's premier pastry chefs to create magical and inventive desserts given inspiration, surprise ingredients and a finite amount of time. The chefs must compete in three unique pastry challenges judged by Ron Ben-Israel — the Sweet Genius himself — who will critique their work and determine who will receive the $10,000 cash prize.  We had a chance to speak with Ron about the show, his career and his future...

SHAKEFIRE: How did you get into baking cakes? What inspired to pursue it?
RON BEN-ISRAEL: As a kid I would read baking books as if they were mystery novels; I always felt comfortable in the kitchen, and loved the chemistry of pastry and baking. Every jello mold was an adventure for me.

SF: On average, on how many cakes do you and your company make in a month?
RBI: During the Spring/ Summer and Fall bridal seasons, we'll produce up to 15 wedding cakes a week; during the rest of the year we average 7 special-occasions cakes per week.

SF: What is the average price range for your cakes?
RBI: Our minimum is $500, and our cakes start at $15 per serving. So a nice wedding cake to feed 100 guests would cost $1,500. The most expensive wedding cake we ever produced was $25,000.

SF: Your cakes look so realistic and awesome! What is the most elaborate cake you’ve had to make? Please describe it. How long did it take to make and how much did it cost?
RBI: The most elaborate cake we've ever tackled was a 12' tall by 8' wide replica of The Plaza hotel in New York.  It was the 100th birthday of the famed landmark, and the cake was the centerpiece of the celebrations. We had the New York Pops Orchestra play, and live fireworks descended on it. It took a team of 17 chefs and artisans to put together; the preparations of thousands of sugar elements took a whole month, and the actual construction three days.  As you can imagine, the cake was quite costly to produce.  Martha Stewart produced a documentary about the process, which is available on our website:

SF: What is the most exotic ingredient that has been requested to be included in a cake?
RBI: Green Tea.

SF: How did your involvement with ‘Sweet Genius” come about?
RBI: I was contacted by the Food Network and Jane Street entertainment (the producers) with some ideas for a new show.

SF:  How would you describe your judging style on the show? Do you make any of the contestant cry for good or bad reasons?
RBI: Initially I was supposed to explain to the viewers about the ingredients and techniques used on the show, but that seemed to interrupt the action.  So now the chefs themselves explain what they're planning and doing in the kitchen set.  While taping the show the contestants smiled and cried and reacted to me; I do have a soft heart, and want all the chefs to excel and succeed.

SF: Of all the celebrities and events you have made cakes for, who has had the oddest request?
RBI: We recently made a giant pair of platform shoes for a birthday of a Studio 54 regular (which I can't name.) They were made of red velvet cake and lots of sparkly sugar. The base was decorated like the floor in Saturday Night Fever.

SF: What advice would you give to other aspiring cake makers that look up to you?
RBI: My formula is 90% technique and 10% inspiration/talent. It seems to work for me and my clients. So my advice will be to learn and practice constantly, and always seek inspiration.

SF: What are your plans after the show concludes? Who are you making cakes for now or plan to make in the near future?
RBI: Hopefully, the show will not conclude. It will be great to continue to host many more talented pastry chefs.  Meanwhile, we have a booked calendar at the bakery of cakes for the next season, and I continue teaching at The French Culinary Institute in NYC.

SF: Are there any accidents or mishaps on the show you can disclose to us?
RBI: Yes! Few times I alerted the chefs to over-boiling liquids or baked goods burning in the oven. I had to be reminded that I'm not competing myself but have to act like the host and judge. The hardest part for me was not to land a hand and remain as an observer.

SF: Would you do another season of “Sweet Genius” if given the chance?
RBI: Absolutely! I have lots of ideas for mandatory ingredients and objects of inspiration.

Sweet Genius airs Thursdays at 10PMET on Food Network.


I love the show!!!!I

I love the show!!!!I especially like the idea of the element of "Inspiration" included in ingredents. The best to you and your show.

i like your show

Rbi is a gentleman. My wife and I really like his show. I really like the respect he shows for the contestants. He doesn't try to embarrass, but is honest.

I love RBI! His cakes are

I love RBI! His cakes are works of art. I just finished an oil painting of him standing in front of the giant clock face. It was a joy to capture his character and personality in his face and posture.

The show really inspires me too. I love watching the truly talented stretch themselves in competitions of creativity. It's one of the few things on TV I go out of my way to watch.

Favorite episode was the empty tray of air and the chocolate tornado. Most cringe-worthy moment was the guy who hacked up that beautiful bonzai. Somewhere a bonzai artist was crying.

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